Saturday, August 25, 2001

So, my first rant. Selling God.

What is it with Christians trying to sell God? It's not like you can package him in a little box and candy coat him and say here's God. Using God to get money really pisses me off. Take for instances when I was in church on sunday. This dude was asking for money so that he could finance these people to go to his seminar. It wouldn't have been so bad but they asked for people to give 5000 dollars and basically said if you didn't that you wouldn't get as big a reward in Heaven.

This is what church has become. Basically, show off and look better than the next guy. Well, I call Bullshit. I mean you're going to tell me I'm going to Hell if I say Fucking Shit motherfuckers? I don't think so. Maybe if I said, "You motherfucking cocksucking sons of Bitches"? Well, I don't remember God saying well, if this dude is cussing he's going to HELL.

Here was the dilemma I dealt with. I was "set apart" as the church people say. But then I had trouble relating to non christians and that's not what Jesus was about y'all. Anyway, I just figured that I should immerse myself and try to save them on the inside:)

Anyway, I'm just ranting. I hope I may have enlarged someone's brain just a little bit or at least pissed someone off.

Check you guys later.


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