Monday, September 10, 2001

And now for insights from a 15 yr old...

boy: Mmm... disobedience...
girl: yeah, I know what you mean. This one time I snuck out, and it's not like it's hard to sneak out, and I think if they ever found out they'd freak out. But anyway, this one time, I was able to sneak out at like 10:20 and then we went to this guys house and he had one of those devil things that's really bad. You know that thing with the circle and the star?
boy: you mean a pentagram?
girl: yeah, that's it. Anyway, he made one of those and then put a candle on the inside and said to think about a questiong and if the flame spun in circles then the answer is yes, if it stays still it's no. Then this guy that his dad was always reading devil books started getting pissed at my (girl) friend. and my (girl)friend she was just praying to jesus and casting the demon down and claiming power over the devil. And then we left.
boy: weird, do you do this alot when you sneak out?
girl: no, it was just that one time. And I don't even know why we went there. But it was like we were there to protect my (guy)friend. You know the one that was getting pissed at my (girl) friend. He asked his dad later that week what religion he was, and his dad was like Christian. And he couldn't believe cause he thought his dad was a satanist cause of the devil books.
boy: that's weird. (*back to reading*)

real conversation this weekend at the boat drag races. (*weird*)

Cahlen and I were talking and we decided we just want a woman that can see past all the shit and love us for who we are:) (individually, not together)


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