Wednesday, September 26, 2001

So what books are for Tim, DVD's are for me. I was at Border's with Tim on Monday, and spent far too little time browsing the DVD section, but I did find a lot of stuff I wanted. Then I had to go to Freddies tonight, and found even more. And then I checked the net to find out that Moulin Rouge comes out Dec 18, in a super special edition, and it's in a box set with Strictly Ballroom and a new special edition of Romeo + Juliet. Woo hoo! Too many dvd's, too little time (and money). Why I didn't just major in film studies and become a critic instead of getting a stupid computer science degree, I'll never know :)

Lessee... it's almost moving day, just a bit more cleaning to do and I'm out of this crazy temporary living situation. Woo hoo! A new apartment (still in Lovely, Downtown Monroe *roll eyes*). At least it'll be our place instead of someone else's house.

On a sports note... how about them San Diego Chargers! Woo hoo! 2-0! (for those who don't know, but are actually wondering why the SD Chargers, I've been a fan for 20+ years, ever since I saw them beat the Seahawks by like 40 points or something way back when).

And for those who don't regularly contribute to this site (or are not listed in the links) who actually read this stuff and write to us, what the hell is wrong with you? :) I mean, um, thanks.


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