Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Hey kev-
I guess, I prolly use movies, video games, and tv shows for my basis of argument because I somewhat believe that they are our modern day story tellers. I mean, Jesus/Mohammed/homer, didn't have the written word, and so they told parables/stories. I think that the forms of media that I use to convey a point have taken the place of story tellers. True, I prolly give em more credit than they are due, but I think one could make some assumptions about civilization based on the top grossing films. I also believe that music is a great persuader, maybe I should start using music to discuss my points:)

All-in-all I'm not trying to argue this with you, as I didn't take offense, just thought you might wonder why I argue the way I do sometimes.

Although, I'm just a rock, or was it an island?


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