Sunday, October 07, 2001

In other news, we watched "boys & girls" tonight. That claire forlani is a HOTTIE!!!:) I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but it makes me laugh in some parts. And the whole, I like her, but she doesn't like me (which isn't really a problem for freddie prinze jr., but that's a whole other story) is something that hits close to home for me:)

Also, in reponse to cahlen, who is entitled to his opinions... Do you really think that it is not wrong to take another persons life? I think we should celebrate life, not destroy it. Bin laden has rid the world of thousands of amazing individuals that we'll never know, but that meant so much to so many. We are engaged in a "war on terrorism" that will cost lives of countless of individuals... all for the life of one man.... Don't get me wrong, I think Osama Bin Laden should die. I just wish the cost weren't so high. People shouldn't have to go to war. This planet is large enough to hold us all.

Would you consider me a martyr, cahlen, if I went to SPU and nailed myself to a cross in Martin Square and died, and stuck a sign on me that said, "remember christ"? (not necessarily in that order)

You talk about being subjective(our own point of view) but going outside of our own point of view is impossible. You can never fully understand another person, for they will have been places you've never been and you will never know what they've experienced. They can tell you about it all they want, but until you've done it(and then sometimes maybe not even then), you can NEVER fully know.


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