Monday, November 19, 2001

So "someone" made me promise to fill this thing out, so here it goes...

Other people can do it too, not just me:)

The basics:
Full name: Timothy Brian Williams
Name of school: umm... does this even apply anymore? (SPU)
How often do you check your email: about 100 times a day, someone set up a counter 1 time and I think it was right around 100.
Color of eyes: brown
Hair: umm... brown
Height: 5'10" last time I looked anyway
Location: Bothell or as my gay roommate liked to call it, BAWWWWWTHHHUUULLL
Zodiac sign: scorpio

Have you ever...

Gotten drunk: nope, never;)
Gone out in public wearing your PJ's:all the time
Missed school because of rain: yeah
Set any body part on fire: not that I can recall, but maybe before I can recall
Kept a secret from everyone: yeah, at least twice
Had a crush on a teacher: hell, no
Had a New Kids on the Block tape: nope.
Been on stage: kinda, see there was this time when I was "expressive" and they had a play for the "special" kids (as far as I can tell) and I got to play a lead:)
Gotten in a car accident: 3 times, 2 times my fault


Shampoo: Thermasilk
Conditioner: umm... Herbal essences
Town to chill: To date, I'd have to say Bath.
Commercial: discovery channel's "atmosphere"
Cereal: umm... Frosted Flakes, TTTTtthhhhhheeeeeyyyyy'rrrreeeee GREAT!!
TV shows: Enterprise/The Tick/Older X-Files/Sunday Night Fox
Movies: Moulin Rouge, Cowboy Bebop, Lord of the Rings(hopefully) ...
Scent:victoria secret Pear
Music group: Jewel? (she's not really a group more like a Goddess)
Favorite person to talk to online: can't really say I have a favorite, although Kevin is fun cause he and I can both stop writing for like 3 hours and then come back to the convo:)
First crush: Marion Vote
What is on your walls: Jewel, Yoda, Tomb Raider
Ever been skinny dipping: I don't recollect
Worst feeling on earth: Having to shoot your only friend in the back of the head cause he's retarded and keeps killing people
Best feeling in the world:I'm guessing sex, but I'm knowing spending time with someone you like
Word or phrase overuse: Fuck shit ass muthafucka
Get along with parents: yeah...all four of them.
Bedtime: I try and get to sleep by midnight, but I can't usually
What are you wearing right now: boxers, shorts, socks, "freak" T-shirt
Are you lonely: no
Are you talking to someone online: not right now:)

Last 24 Hours...

Cut your hair: no
Worn a skirt: maybe:)
Been mean: no
Been sarcastic: nope :)
Met someone new: uh uh
Fought with your parents: no
First thing you thought this morning:aww shit, another day

In the future...

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: hehehe, world traveller
Future son's name: John
Future daughter's name: Amber
Where do you want to live when you get married: hmm... don't care

When was the last time you...

Wished upon a star: can't remember, I think I was 7
Went to the beach at night: umm... long time ago
Spent some quality time with yourself: 4 years ago? maybe 5:) oh wait, I did live with Steve for a while;)
Read a book for fun: this morning
Believed in yourself: now

How long did this survey take you: 21 mins
Do you want your friends to send this back to you with their info? nah, they could just blog it...


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