weird ass dreams
So it all starts out that I'm going to a movie(weird;)) Anyway, we get to the place the movie was playing(it was an old movie, so it wasn't playing at a theater. Turns out, it's playing at the charismatic, non-denominational church that I went to during my fomative years. (aka 6 - 13) Anyway, I get there and there's some typical seattle people hanging out for when the shows gonna start. (shows gonna start at like 7pm and it's only like 4) (I figure the movie is pretty popular with people getting there so early)
Anyway, I go talk to some girls and take a drag off their roach, then I'm like I'll be back. So I head for the church and I see this girl that I used to like back in HS. And I'm like, what're you doing here, what's going on.... blah blah blah, and she's heading into the church so I follow her. Well, it turns out that there's a service going on right now, and I'm like, what the fuck, might as well. So I follow her in and sit in the back, half facing away from the preacher.
Well, basically, I sit through the service and am about to leave and go chill withh those girls before the show. But as I'm leaving, I pass my mom (in my old kitchen, which of course was never in that church building, but somehow ended up there in a dream?!?!) And she's like, the movie's not playing tonight. And I'm like, "C'mon mom, everyone is here to see it", and she's like "No, I'm making diner and Fred is coming over to catch up on old times" (now the thing is, Fred was like this guy that my mom found solace with right after my dad left, in like 1980, so it's not like I even remember the guy, and what is he doing in my dream?)
So I go outside and tell all these peeps that the movie's not going to be shown, and they're all sad. But then later I gave oral pleasures to that girl who I smoked with... and then my alarm went off.
Quite a night for the old Tim:)
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