All things hotmail
What is UP with the damn hotmail. I'm like tryint to write an email to a friend and have to go look up an address. When I try and come back to hotmail, I usually hit a damn sidebar by accident, then the whole damn email disappears. It's like, "look, FUCKERS, if you're gonna have advertising all over my email at least you could have it open a new window, so I don't have to remember what I just typed" BASTARDS
So I went and got a grill from the house last night. Ended up getting the charcoal grill as it was 50 bucks and I had just spent a load at costco on junk.
I've been playing Star Wars galaxies fairly often. So that's something. Now if my room weren't like 5 billion degrees I could actually spend some of my time at home developing my character.
OK, it's work time. Peace out-
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