Tuesday, May 25, 2004

My new muse

I try to understand, to contemplate, to see through the darkness, to see the light, to see the fright, I want to see what is to come, to know who to be, to know where to go, to live life like there's no tomorrow, to see what cannot be seen, to touch that which is withheld, to see potential in everyone, to know the people of my life.

I am here, lost in my sea of uncertainty, no knowing left from right or up from down. Everywhere I look I see gray where there was once black, I see gray where there was once white. I know there are things to do for free, but this is where my muse leaves and takes the ideas with her...

So I ask my friends, there are some good ideas, the problem mostly being that everything costs money. There is ALWAYS gas involved, and gas costs money. Sometimes there is beer involved, and beer costs money.

How do you start seeing someone else when you still have feelings for another? I've heard that feelings for the other will never really leave though...

Well, I'm off-


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