Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Employee of the month?!?

so they're giving me the "Employee Recognition award", which is great. I wish it could reflect on me as an individual in my personal relationships (or does it?). Maybe this award says, "Tim, you're willing to put everything second to your dearly loved job", or maybe I'm just being a pessimist right now.

My "Tim time" is going well. I don't have an overwhelming sense of urgency to join the people with lives yet. I Do have an overwhelming sense of guilt that I'm not doing my job well enough yet. So another day goes by and I will try harder tomorrow.



Blogger paradox said...

You're just in pessimist mode. I wouldn't of recomended you for the award if you were just sitting around goofing off like some of the people we work with. You go far beyond what is required out of a csg...you do more work then half of the FTEs on this project. You've also been a great guy to work with these last 3 years. I'd follow you onto any project.(now I sound like a war vet)

Chin up man, just a few more weeks and everything with be A-OK. When we finally hit our break the first trip to pool hall is on me ;)

7:03 PM  

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