Friday, October 01, 2004

ok, 1 more

So I've been thinking about me and my internet self. Are we true to you? Our daily readership ;)

I mean honestly, I'm not this sensitive in real life. Am I a prick? To some people. Do I have gross habits? Sometimes. (I don't style my hair most often and my basic attire is jeans and a t-shirts)

My "friend" asked me if my blog was one of those "I went to the store today" blogs. I can't tell. It's mostly just my journal and the inner workings of Tim's mind. I have no idea why I write or for whom I write.

I know that I need to focus myself on me. so I might survive myself and become more knowledgable of who I am and who I want.

I need to sleep and not drink as much.


Blogger Ms-Chievous said...

Me? I'm pretty much the same person on my blog as I am IRL. I do tend to get more nekkid in my blog because I can shut the puter off at any time, and it's much more difficult to shut real people off.
You? I dunno? You tell us?

2:27 AM  
Blogger paradox said...

question: is a "i went to the store today" blog a bad thing and is your friend refering to it as a bad thing?

my response: blogs are just journals that lots of people usually have access to while surfing the web. a journal can be different things to different people. some people like to do a simple review of the day and some people like to get really deep. personally i see no problem with either. reviewing a day in the past results in great memories months to years down the road...i love reading about the day i got a piercing or a cool day at brings back great feelings and emotions. sometimes i like to throw a thought out there too but really it's for myself just to see in the screen instead of bouncing around in my head.

and in conclusion: people judging other peoples blogs is just sad...

...except those blogs that are just a bunch of surveys and thats it....they fucking suck! ;)

6:49 PM  
Blogger Kata said...

I'm in it for the pure ego of it all. It's a great place to finally say what I really feel after being nice and courteous all day to right-wing old geezers at work. I'm also a comment whore. I need my ego fed. My sister thinks I'm kinda pathetic where that's concerned, but like she isn't exactly the same way with her blog (Vampyre Girl if anyone's interested). I also enjoy flaunting my bad writing style via the blog. So dude, right whatever ya like and let no-one tell you its wrong.

8:19 PM  
Blogger Nuge said...

Mr. Tim, your blog is cool. I've never met you, so I cannot make the comparison. But your blog seems honest and regular enough to keep me interested.

My impressions: you are over-worked and you under-sleep, you struggle with your job/employment, you carry emotional burdens and anxieties, but you are introspective, you have a sense of humor, you look to better yourself, and you get up day after day because you don't doubt the importance of your adventure.

I do not bare all on my blog. That is still evolving because I only started in July. I'm relatively private with my thoughts in real life, and I know there are people around town and at my work that see my blog. Also, I am known around my county, at least in print, because I am a newspaper reporter. Anyone doing surface searching on me can find my blog.

I struggle with wanting to be known, yet remaining anonymous. You seem to not have that problem too much.

9:02 AM  

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