Thursday, November 04, 2004

victory through love

So I'm trying to figure out what kind of tattoo I want. I'm thinking a heart with some ribbon that says something like 'love all' or 'love conquers all' or SOMETHING in latin.

Also, I HATE our cafeteria this morning. They had free breakfast which meant pancakes for everyone!!! Which would be fine if you can eat pancakes. Fuckin bastards


well, gotta run-


Blogger Peter said...

I would recommend getting a slice of watermellon tatoo'd on your right cheek.

Oh no...even better get a looney toons character on your shoulder!!!!

If you were comfortable with your sexuality and gender I would say you get a tatoo of Dick Cheney on your back, but I would hate to put you in an uncomfortable situation.

Yeah, so those are my ideas.


3:38 PM  

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