Tuesday, February 15, 2005

what's up? Gun running?

So I wake up at 7:30... "This is the Seattle Police Department. We have a search warrant for 1321 NE 65th St. This is the Seattle Police Department. We are conducting a search of 1321..."

If you're going to do it, could you be a little more quiet about it? Hello, I'm trying to sleep! Turns out the "neighbors" were gun runners. They had something like 1000 guns or something. The FBI was here as was the SPD. I guess they "raided" 3 houses in the area. I found out most of this stuff on the 5 o'clock news, as they broadcast from my front yard.

Anyway, we're looking for a new housemate. So that's exciting. Tomorrow I'm doing lunch with work peeps, so that's good. Today I got paid for searching for 3 jobs last week. That was nice.

Anyway, I hope people are doing good. I'm off to eat dinner.


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