what I like...
It's a good doctorine with great characters. the faith is based off drunkards and bums. I wouldn't classify myself as religious but a man of faith. I believe that there is a god. I believe that this world will be a better place because of christianity. (note: a lot of christians piss me off to no end.)
Battlestar Galactica...
This show is like crack... Cylons are hawt ;)
My friends...
yeah, I love my friends :) They're the best friends money can't buy. I like the fact that they'll take me out and get me drunk when I need to do that :) Also, they like to play board games which is always a plus!
My bloggging buddies...
You guys always keep me distracted at work :)
Working at bungie...
It's true, they treat me as an outsider, but I work on the best video games in the world!
interesting...though personally, i think the world would be a better place WITHOUT christianity....well, the fundamentalist side of it more I suppose. As well as the fundamentalist part of any religion. That makes religions discriminate, oppress, and legitimize violence (depending on how extreme zealots feel) around the world.
sorry, it always gets me fired up.
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