So a little more dissemination of information...
here's the dealio, I think. First you're born and everyone loves you, then you learn that everyone doesn't love you later. Then you deal with that, and how you deal with that is how you turn out. But really that's just bullshit too, cause you react to everything in a certain way, and that's just one thing you're reacting to.
If I had to choose between knowing everything and knowing nothing, I would most undoubtedly choose to know nothing.
A common dillemma has hit our house, we're out of TP. It's not a big problem, but it means I have to go to Costco, and I can't go to costco until people pay me for bills, which is basically like pulling teeth. Not you Cahlen, the other people in the house:) (and by other people I don't mean kevin or cliff)
We watched "Cowboy Bebop" Disk 1 tonight, which was way fun. I highly recommend the entire 6 disk series of which I only have disk 1 and 5.
Sorry for the depressing poem earlier, I just had to get it out.
The truth of the matter is this, I really do know nothing, but at least I have a good idea:)
I love that I have no idea whether or not anyone is actually reading this thing. This way I can write whatever is on my mind and it'd just there in black and white for all to see, if they wanna look.
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