Sunday, October 07, 2001

Cahlen, I once took an ethics class and during a discussion on Good vs. Evil and Right vs. Wrong, we came up with this definition. There are elements of pure "evil" and pure "good". An example: Raping and torturing a two year old baby girl to death is evil. It is evil in every religion, every nation, every class of society. On the other hand, rescuing a two year old baby girl from a burning building at the cost of one's own life is good in every religion, every nation, every class of society. I am sorry for the gruesome descriptions but they help get my point across. Of course, practically everything between the extremes is a shade of grey.

As for the other point about selfishness. I believe that Kevin has a point. Not every act out there is for a selfish reason. I know that if I saw a baby trapped in a burning building, I would try to recue that person. It would be on pure instinct, a true selfless act. There would be no doing it because I want to live up to some standard I have set for myself. And I do things like that everyday, just not to that extreme.

I could go on, but I'll leave my entry short.


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