Monday, October 08, 2001

Okay, I am home now and I finally partake in this conversation. I am going to go back a ways since I have not had my say. First Cahlen, you have not used the entire definition of selfish.

Selfish: Caring supremely or unduly for one's self; regarding one's own comfort, advantage, etc., in disregard, or at the expense, of those of others. (it's the second part of that you are not taking into account, because not all self-interest is in disregard or expense of others.

In killing a person, you would be acting in a manner that is at the expense of others. Giving that man a sandwich is not hurting him in anyway, thus the act is not selfish.

As for the worth part, I have to side with Kevin on this one in saying that the "universal scheme of things" is undefined. There is no way Humans or any other life form for that matter is worth the same as a rock. And if you really do believe all these things you proclaim, I am sorry, for you must have a sad outlook on life.

And as for the "evil man" not being wrong or evil in killing someone else because of his outlook on life, I will ask this question again: If that man raped and tortured a 2 year old baby to death, is he evil? His circumstances growing up might be different and he may see things differently and his "mindset" may tell him that raping, torturing, and killing this baby is okay. But is it okay? My mindset is different and I have that "nice-guy" image of myself and he may not. But is it wrong and evil to do this to a tiny, innocent child? No matter the mindset or circumstances of ones views.


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