Monday, October 08, 2001

So, if everything is of equal value... (I'll give you that we human's determine in our minds what we value and what not, but I'll still try and argue the point that you believe that human life is worth more than a rock)

What you are saying is, if I had a stick of dynamite and some sum of money you would, a) not blow up a rock for any sum less than that of what you would blow up a human for, or you would kill a human for the same sum of money as you would for destroying a rock.

Now let's think about this... how much would you blow up a rock for? I mean in all honesty... do you care for that rock as much as you do for your own family? Would you blow up your family for 50 bucks? how about a rock?

And really, am I the only person that thinks this?


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