Friday, January 25, 2002

So, when I got home last night, I go out to get the mail and I hear this "hissing" coming from my car. So it turns out that it's my left rear tire. I moved it down to the bottom of the driveway(flat part in the road). So this morning I get to change the tire and take it to discount tires again. (note: see wednesday for the last time I had to go to discount tires to fix a flat)

Why can't seattle have streets that don't eat my tires? I mean it, it's like every God Damn place I go in this city, there's fuckin potholes everywhere.

in logical progression(in tim thought anyway) I AM anal about spelling. I keep on bugging the receptionist about the copier tracking sheet that read "Lazer printer". I mean really, fucking Z's in Laser? It's that kind of shit that pisses me off:) Also, have i told you like how I work with these people that couldn't spell their way out of a bag? Like my boss, he's always mispelling shit, and then he can't write anything that anyone could read. People are all asking each other, "WHAT THE FUCK is THAT word?"

this concludes my rantings for right now:) I gotta go change a tire...


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