Monday, November 03, 2003

what I've learned about women

This is something I've been thinking about, and which I may be totally wrong, but I wanted to share it with you.

From what I can tell, women want power and comfort. They often tell me that they want a man that will hold them and cuddle, but often end up with jerks. I've often considered this very ironic and have been perplexed by my other sensitive brothers. We have often commented that the girls always go for the jerks and I think I have a theory why. I think that they see these men as the future leaders of our society at least subconsciencely. Women are drawn to ambitious men. I've often heard them say that they would be with a man who knows what he wants.

I tell you that any man worth reproducing with, will not be so closed minded as only seeing a single future within his life. He will not expect to be the next president of the united states. He will not put down his fellow man in order for his own gain.

The women see that the jerk is a jerk from the get out. But they don't see a jerk. They see a man with ambition. A man that won't let another man get in his way, and he wants to be with her. Well why shouldn't she be with him. If he becomes rich and powerful, why not be there with him.

I've often been perplexed by young girls dreams of being a princess or a long lost relative of some rich and powerful person. I've never understood why they would want to give up their family for the power of a title. I think it has to do with society placing beauty before wisdom. Women see the princess as always getting her way, their way.

Sometimes I wish this were a discussion instead of a "post", or that I'd at least be able to communicate with you. I'm going to try and get a comments board up, but am having trouble finding one.
Peace out-


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