ok... addendum to nirvana
First, I have been getting little to no sleep, so this may make no sense, but I want to address the concerns raised about the previous post.
So in the world I create...
1. You are interacting with everyone until you
a) falling in love with someone
b) someone falls in love with you
At which point the world is copied and everyone is cloned into a personal world where
a) the person you fall in love with is in love with you (there's still the cat and mouse game of I like you, you like me, let's get to know eachother, but it works out cause the person you fell in love with has been cloned to be in love with you)
b) Yourself is cloned and placed in the persons world that fell in love with you. Yourself as the clone is in love with the person that fell in love with you, but you personally can still be in love with other people.
Problems that arrise(sp?)...
You would need massive amounts of RAM and CPU to pull this kind of worlds off
What happens when you get bored? Is there a messy breakup cause someone is still in love with you? Will there need to be built in tension in the system so that you would need to have makeup sex every now and then? (*I heard it's the best*) What happens when 2 people fall in love with each other? Do you need to create 2 worlds or can they share 1 world?
Anyway, I need to sleep,
Hmm alternate worlds! No kiddin' a lot of CPU or whatever you said!
To tell you the truth I don't think that would work either. I'm assuming that the creation of another reality, means that whatever factor is responsible for determining if a new world is warranted would be basing it strictly on feelings of true love. How would one gauge that? And even if you could, how many people would "truly" fall in love with a person, without the others consent. People can easily fall in love with the idea of someone, but that love dies quickly when the reality of who that person is, does not live up to expecations. Alternatively love grows, when a person continues to amaze you and intrigue you.
The other problem:
Lets say Tim falls in love with a girl, lets call her Sally. Sally is already married or something. So another world is created with Sally's clone. What happens to Tim, does Tim get removed from the current world? If so, that would suck. If not, poor Tim is stuck in this world with a married Sally. In the same dilema as before. Unless there is some strange spritual connection between Tim and his clone, making him at peace in this world, because he is getting laid by Sally in a different world....hmmm that too could get confusing. Does a cloned Sally need to get a divorce in the other world, or is the world just created with an available Sally?
I still see a couple bugs with this Timmy. Run some more tests!
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