sleeping is the gateway drug to being awake
So I woke up at 5am this morning from a nightmare. This was unacceptable as I was uber sleepy and couldn't get back to sleep.
Anyway, the dream...
I'm at my desk at work (yes I've been spending too much time there as I'm now dreaming about it!) and we've all had interviews. Everyone is talking about how they've gotten full time gigs or at least raises to $51/hr!!! I think it's that I had a dream that volt was taken out of the picture... Anyway, I digress... the nightmare was that after all I've tried to do for this project and with the sacrifices I've made, I was the only person that wasn't getting a raise or any recognition. It was quite depressing...
Of course, the night before last I woke up thinking I had a stomach cancer. So you can tell that I'm pretty happy these days!
Anyway, I hope everyone is good. I have to get back to the working now.
Stress and lack of sleep...#1 causes of lotsa icky shit...Yes that is a technical term. Sounds like it's temporary, but geez man, take care of yourself. I hope you're at least eating right (no vending machines don't count).
Just sayin'
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