Friday, October 15, 2004


So my arm is still sore. Part of the bloody ordeal of visiting a doctor as a diabetic is they take your blood. There is only 1 way to get blood out of your body. That is to stick a needle in you and pull the blood out. Today we filled up 3.5 vials for all the testing. Cholesteral, A1c and a number of other tests I can't think of.

Today was... slow. It was still dismantling and destroying hardware. But it was also playing games. I know of no other greater job than playing video games. Unless of course you consider the guys working on cures to cancer and the other incurables of today.

They're better people. Maybe I should go back to school and get another education. How does one move the world? I imagine it starts with an idea or a word. A kind gesture to a stranger.

I watched a "Day after tomorrow" tonight. It was really quite entertaining. I like natural disaster movies. Especially on a global issue like this one.

I found out that the coastline is fouled with an oilspill. That sucks. Mt. St. Helens is glowing with hot lava monsters.

Nobody will comment about the hot lava monsters, but it seems obvious. Hot lava monsters come with hot lava. Like the north pole and elves.

Anyway, I'm going to go pay bills now. I hope everyone is doing good. Anime day tomorrow.



Blogger Ms-Chievous said...

"How does one move the world? I imagine it starts with an idea or a word. A kind gesture to a stranger."
I sincerly believe this is true.
The news of the oil spill gave me a headache, ARGGGHH!!
I'm going to post a barf on Mt.St. Helens with pictures soon, from the perspective of someone who experienced it in 1980.
Interesting stuff Tim.

7:59 PM  

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