Monday, December 20, 2004

an obsessive boy dreams

Last night I dreamt of sex. It was nice, but scary. I was trying to be quiet so people wouldn't find out. And I didn't want to force her, so it was more of a dry hump. But then she got frustrated and wanted to leave, but we ended up making out for a while instead. I woke up happy.

Friday night I dreamt an old woman was falling down the stairs in my house and I couldn't help her. I kept hearing her cry out that she was hurt, but I couldn't wake up. I woke up sad.

Saturday night I dreamed, but I can't remember what about. I was talking to a friend about Scorpios and how we are thinkers, to which she mentioned we're a bit obsessive. Being that I am obsessed about a few things, and I can't tell any difference between me and the boy who started this blog 4 years ago, I would have to concur.

Well, work beckons!


Blogger Kata said...

Pardon me, but I can't pass up an obnoxious opportunity to dream analyze...forgive me if I'm wrong...the sex dream--are you currently not totally commiting to something that you aren't particularly thrilled about? Tempted to push it, but know its wrong? Feel you're just wanking and not accomplishing?

The old woman falling...are you watching something you aren't involved in, but care about and actually want to get invoved? Is this thing falling apart without your attention? Dreams aren't always as blatant as they appear. If so, I'd swear I was a murdering lesbian with no values or morals (I've had a few murdering and mahem dreams, more than I care to admit with girl on girl action...sometimes it turns into my sister, then into something else. I'm a psycho).

7:50 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

Yes and yes, thank you for the dream analysis, I was beginning to think I was going crazy :)

8:21 AM  

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