Sunday, December 05, 2004

on studying...

I've actually done a pretty good job studying this weekend.

I think that nothing can prepare me for this interview, but I'll do my damndest to try. Brushing up on old and forgotten skills is fun and exciting. I love looking and reading code. I'm currently better at reading and debugging code than I am at writing it, but I'm sure that if I get the job that would change.

So here I am, procrastinating:) I ended up going out with my buddy steve from college on friday late night. That made for an interesting time. I find his ability to be sociable around any person to be a great commodity. I envy him.

Sometimes I wonder about starting a secret blog. An annonymous blog where I would post every single secret thought that ever came into my head. It would be so simple, but such a disappointment I think. I am first honest here, with accountability, with fear and shame, with pride.

I am a man and have a bunch of faults. I know of 2 people that I know who I can find no fault with and I envy them. However, I think I may be more approachable to some people. Honestly, I don't know. Perfect people make me uneasy and ashamed that I am not more like them.

Anyway, I need to get back to studying.


Blogger paradox said...

well i'm definitely not one of those two people but good luck on your interview man :)

2:17 AM  
Blogger Jebe said...

I really want to know who these faultless people are! Do I know them? Are they people that you know very well? Because I have met a few people who appeared to have no faults, but as I got to know them better, it's always become clear to me that they are just better at covering them up. And while that can be helpful in a lot of social and professional situations, I don't think it's healthy. I think it's better to be real, mistakes and all. (Just in case you wondered what I thought.) Good luck with the interview.

7:04 AM  

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