Saturday, October 06, 2001

All right, I'll put myself on the line. I'm not afraid to be bashed!

You're right it's nice to be pursued. I know that even if I'm not interested in the guy if he asks, it's still flattering. People would call me old fashioned because I believe that the guy should take the initiative. That's not to say that its my job to sit back and wait until one comes knocking on my door. I still have to make contact with other guys. Last spring I went to Starbucks to meet a guy that my parents knew I was interested in. He didn't know I was coming, but I thought it was pretty obvious that I was there to "check him out." I've seen him several times since then, and we both seem to have an interest in each other. But nothing else has happened. Maybe he's waiting for me to ask him out while I'm waiting for him to ask me out. Anyway, I suppose it depends on your point of view. But I really feel like I should wait for him to make the next move. It probably has alot to do with the way I was raised.

I was telling Tim that it seems like only more aggressive women seem to pursue men. On the other hand, more aggressive men are the ones that pursue women. All it really takes, though, is a little guts to put yourself on the line and take a chance. You'll never get anywhere otherwise. And the girl, (or boy) will never know you like them. I've heard rumors that guys have had crushes on me, but I never found out who they were because they never came forward.


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