Tuesday, October 09, 2001

hmm... I don't think we're actually getting anywhere... Cahlen has in no way convinced me that I'm a rock, and I've in no way convinced him that I'm worth more than a rock. And yes, I'd probably blow up a 700lb piece of gold if I had dynamite, kelley. (Cause blowing up shit is cool, and worth about 700lbs of gold;))

As far as killing osama bin laden is concerned, I do think he at least needs be confined to a floating mirror in space, and since we don't have the technology of krypton, the only other way he can be set apart from all other huMONs is for him to die. I think that he will kill again.

I guess my attempts to use non-subjective scales has failed miserably, although, cahlen, I think that I have proved that you can look at the rock non-subjectively (as I did, but you ignored) and see that they are valued less than huMONs.

I was just wondering, if you think that rocks think they're more valuable than huMONs. Cause I would really like to meet a rock that could think. (preferably without being on shrooms)


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