Saturday, November 15, 2003

Humoungously busy


I hate the feeling that you're letting EVERYONE down. Today, I was too impatient with Dan and I didn't set aside enough time for Peter. These two things were at perpendicular to each other, and were unavoidable. I was supposed to play football with Peter, Dan said that Peter wasn't going to be home till 4, so I should go to lunch with him. Well, since Peter would be gone till 4pm I did go to lunch. But then he wanted to go to Target for a quick shop. Long story short, we get home at 3pm. Nate is coming over for beer at Teddys and to go to best buy. Lunch was at 11:30, I should have been fine, even when peter came home at 1, I should have been fine, but that DAMN target trip. Dan's pissed at me for being impatient, I'm pissed at Dan for making me miss time with Peter, and Peter's pissed because I didn't make him the priority.

This IS a GREAT party atmosphere. I think I've fucked up another friendship and I feel like I'm about as comforting as a hurricane. I try and be the best man I can be, and I think people are still getting hurt.

And now I think I may have found some work. We'll see. Anyway, Master and Commander was great, and City of Lost children was awesome in that way that Amelie was awesome. Hopefully, I'll see you all tomorrow.



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