Tuesday, May 24, 2005

another day, another crazy time at my street

Story 1:
Me, Karla, Old guy, cigarette woman
Setting: Yesterday morning, waiting for my carpool in front of my house.
Karla shows up for school, we start talking about life in general...
Cigarette woman starts walking across the street on our side of the street,
Old man crosses to our side of the street, "S'cuse me miss, may I have a light"
Tim & Karla continue talking...
Old man get's light from cigarette woman, both proceed to walk towards pies & pints
Old man coughs... and continues to cough... old man vomits!
Tim & Karla, "WTF?!?!?!?!?!"
Old man continues walking down the street, stopping occasionally to puke
Tim & Karla continue talking...
Old man walking back towards us... "Stupid fucking mormons, find my bus pass, now I lose my wallet, fucking mormons" and pretends shooting at the side of the street

I have no idea where the drunk old man with no wallet came from or why he hates mormons, but I can't wait to move off this street

Story 2:
Wake up at 6:40 this morning for a run around greenlake.
Get back from greenlake, Chris is up, and downstairs,
I check my computer and have been logged out of IM, weird,
Check the internet, nothing, no connection,
Look at the router + Cable modem, no power,
"Chris, do you have power?"
"Oh no, umm, do you have any fuses? I guess the power grid didn't like that I put a single setting bulb in my triple setting lamp and blew power to my bedroom."
"No, I don't have any fuses"

Yeah, with Chris, he's "interesting" For the past few weeks he's been painting in his room every night. This of course gives me a headache which is ALWAYS fun. Anyway, ladies, if you think you want a handy man boyfriend, just make sure you know what you're getting into:)



Blogger Jebe said...

Great advice to watch out for those handyman types. We don't have a garage so Kevin's workbench, complete with hacksaws, hammers, and a bunch of other tools & materials I can't identify, stays in our living room. It's lovely, especially when guests come over. :) It's also fun when he decides to use one of the loud unidentified tools around midnight...on the other hand, at least he can fix all the stuff I break (which happens quite often).

1:14 PM  
Blogger Kata said...

Facinating puke story Tim. I just posted about alcohol induced hurling myself. What a coincidence...or is it??

2:54 PM  

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