Monday, February 25, 2002


Went to mine this weekend. Going to go visit Big Steve in San Diego in April. That'll be fun. Finished American Gods and the star wars book I was reading. Now I'm reading the princess bride. It's pretty good. Reminds me a lot of the movie:) Funny and all:)

Anyway, I got better games to test this week. So that's really happy.

Catch y'all latah

Thursday, February 21, 2002

ahh 4 page reports:)

So, we've been playing this game this week that isn't stable. That means it'll crash for no apparent reason. Which is fun:) Plus they only have the 1st mission complete so once you're done with it, blah blah blah, you get the point.

Needless to say, I ran out of work on tuesday, and mostly am just flying around hoping it doesn't crash.

So, our fridge started leaking at my house. That was pretty exciting. The landlord is coming on saturday to fix it. At least this way he'll think we we're doing dishes cause of the water being out. Instead of whoever that doesn't do their dishes.

So, I've been getting home at 11 and then I get up at 6:30. It's pretty damn tiresome.

Hope you all are doing good.

PS - "American Gods" rocks
PPS - it's a book

Monday, February 18, 2002

went home this weekend. Mom's bday. it was nice, but I'm tired.

Went and saw super troopers last night. It was super funny. laughed my ass off the entire time throughout the movie. My ass shrunk 3 sizes:)

well, time for videogames-

Friday, February 15, 2002

and now, a look at the upbringing of me
(aka how come you can't meet any nice guys)

< RANT >
growing up in our christian households we're told that as soon as you have sex you're going to get AIDS. or at least some sort of STD. Then you'll have to live with that for the rest of your days. And then, even if you find someone that you won't get an STD from, then you'll get her pregnant and you don't want a kid now do you?

Then there's the 80's when it seemed like everytime I saw a movie the women didn't want to have sex with the man and then he got thrown in jail. and so it seemed like there was no woman that wanted to have sex, so if you ever tried anything with a girl, she was going to be like, Date Rape. So don't even try it.

Then when you get out in the real, real world. (aka after college, or in college if you don't go to a private christian university, or aren't me) then you realize that girls wanna have sex also, but you've had it drilled into you since you were just a little kid, and you can't figure out what to do. I mean you're as horny as hell, but you're so scared of gettin some disease, you're left an outcast, by your own choosing.
< /RANT>

Monday, February 11, 2002


Ahh... games:)

Sunday, February 10, 2002

A very Anime day.

Well, I got my manga today. (Comics for the illinformed)

Back-up, wake at 8:30, couldn't sleep any longer.

Go get oil changed at 10 in order to be home for Houck's visit at 11:45ish.

Oil change gets done at 12:30, Houck's waiting when I get home. Get Manga:)

Eat lunch with Kevin and Houck at Olive Garden(Cafe Veloce was closed)

Back to the house for a little Simpsons road rage.

Next stop, Jarred's for reading Manga/comics/books/slam dunk contest.

7:45 - dinner at piecola's(sp?)

9:10 - Metropolis (Excellent movie)

11:30 - drive home:) (Cliff got yelled at by the crazy lady 2 doors down, "FUCK YOU CRAZY LADY")

Thumbs hurt from too much comic book reading. OUch.

Wednesday, February 06, 2002


< RANT >

ok, so I've talked to lots of people online. (well, my buddy list is like 46 strong, given I don't talk to all of them, but some) Anyway, I was just wondering what the FUCK "heh" means. I mean, I've talked to about 10 people that use it. Are you trying to say Hey? or are you almost laughing? like, "heh, that was almost funny enough for a hehe, but you're a fuckin tard, so I'll only give you a heh". So if someone could please explain this mysterious word for me, I would be most appreciative.

< /RANT >

Monday, February 04, 2002

In other news

I really need to sit down with Nate and teach him some HTML. I get all whiggidy whacked when I go to his page:)

When I came home tonight, someone had cleaned the entryway, and also the yard abit. weird.

Blackalicious is kickin my ass:)


So, I had an ok day at work. Basically since I don't care if anything gets done, I've become a lot less stressed.

Had dinner at Pete's Calzone and pizza place. I love that shit. It's the best. It was good to see Dej again. Been like forever since I saw her last. Also, Megan was there. In case you can't remember she was the waitress there way back when I started going. It was weird cause we had the Pete's combo pizza with breadsticks and pepsi, and she's all like, you're still getting that. and I'm like yep, haven't changed. But really, I usually order like calzone with feta cheese and sundried tomatoes, it's just tonight I felt like pizza.

Sometimes I wish I were a performing artist. Singer/Guitarist/Speaker



So the superbowl was "interesting". Ate lotsa food and drank lotsa pop.

In case Trav still reads my blog occasionally, I believe "brim full of Asha" by "cornershop" is the song you're looking for. at least that's what a friend told me.

Also, my boss is a tard. I don't remember how many times I've told him to run a program from the server, but it has to have been a lot!!! But today, I get like a 20 min Voicemail about how he's going to blow his top if he can't run it, and he's tried everyway imaginable to run it, so Tim you must unfuck it up.


Sunday, February 03, 2002

1 down, 1 to go

Had a party last night. Well, it started at 2, and I was drunk by 3. But I didn't stop drinking till 10. So, it was a fun party:)

Also, we cleaned the garage(at least figured out what was trash, and what wasn't) yesterday morning.

And now, we're hanving a super bowl party today. So that should be fun. WE're having Pizza, pop, and chips. Maybe even a bit of a pool. (we'll see)

Well, I'm gonna try and get over this "headache"

PS- So far we've figured my team consists of all the cool guys from my team, + 2 guys. (Cool guys from my team = Nate, Brad, Brothers Green, Jeremy and me)

Friday, February 01, 2002

ps, if I spelled tenant wrong, it's my boss' fault:) Also, it's his fault if I misused the apostrophe:)

snip, snip, I just took down the internet

clip, clip, now it's back up

So, I was trying to get this one tenant's connection working, since when he switched to XP something got fucked up and he has to use this little ass cord. So, I cut this cord that we think isn't connected to anything, but then Matt comes and says, "The internet is down and we can't connect to the server." anyway, I'm the first one to be like, umm... maybe it's that cord I just cut, even though it's blue and the one in the server room is white. Well, we trace the cord and low and behold it connects to a blue one.

Well, the guy who had to use a shorter cord, has been using 2 hooked together this week, so I moved him to a short one and a different office for right then, and took his linker guy. then I clipped ends on the the cable I just cut and put them together while Matt went and got more patcher guys.

That is my story for the day....
The end