Friday, April 28, 2006

long time, no tim (aka I'm going to hawaii)

Hey Everyone!

Sorry for the lack of updates on this thing, but I've been a bit busy with Jessica, so I don't feel too sorry :) Her birthday is coming up in May and I have to figure out what I'm doing/getting her :)

It's dunny but this is the first weekend we've spent apart since we started dating! Also, I'm down in Oregon for my buddy Houck's 30th Birthday. Tomorrow we're celebrating the 17th anniversary of his 13th birthday by going roller skating, going to a pizza parlor, and then finishing up the night with a retro arcade! w00t!

So I'm going to hawaii in June! My first and much needed vacation since starting work at microsoft. Jessica is coming and it's also my first co-ed trip :) So we're staying at a bed and breakfast for the first half of the trip on Maui and then hitting up Kauai for my buddy's, Steve, wedding on June 11th. I'm taking the 2nd - 16th off so I have recuperating time after getting back from hawaii :)

Well, I'm off to get some sleep as I'm getting up at 7am to go buy computer stuff with my dad.

Cheers, fuckers!