Monday, February 28, 2005

interviews in t-19 hrs and counting...

So my interview with Surreal is tomorrow. I'm not sure if I'm as prepared as I could be but I also don't want to go in there and try and bullshit them. The same for fridays interview as well.

I figure I can only show them what I got and not try to sugar coat it. I should be a little nervous, but not to the point where it makes me lose my trains of thought.

I enjoy this blogging thing and letting you people in my mind. I hope that you are all healthy. I think I might be getting my tattoo in March. I'd really like to get it, and maybe my tongue pierced right after I get my new job.

We'll see:)

Sunday, February 27, 2005

life as a blogger in blog america

so many people tell me that they don't understand the desire to publish your journal online. I mean I know a lot of people who post very intimate details about their life, but I'm not one of them. At least never intimate details about the people in my life.

I think I use this forum to express my ideas and my writing. I think I write here instead of a journal or a poem which are easily lost or forgotten.

I wonder what will happen if/when blogger dies. Will my history be erased? Well, I'm off to bed and church in the morning!
Take care-

Saturday, February 26, 2005

the façade of life

So if you ever met me in RL, you would take note that I am a shy person. A nice guy with bland tastes that you could take home to mom.

I think I realize this is a lie. I secretly am a pervert, selfish prick with only 1 thing on my mind. Ok, so maybe neither extreme is entirely true, but I have made some observations about people that I will now disperse:

1) Everyone is crazy. It's finding the person that you're crazy compatible with that is the hard part. (i.e. you need to find someone who is similarly crazy to fall in love with)

2) People should date in their "dirtiness" level. Are you a person who smokes/drinks? Do you have to clean every 5 minutes if a napkin is out of place? Do you swear/curse? Do you have body mods?

That's really all the observations I have at this point. You should probably also have some ideal that you're shooting for.

I reallized today that while we're all searching for someone to be our "soulmate" we should also be improving ourselves. The Question "What do I have to offer?" has played through my mind a couple of times in the past few weeks.

Well, this is your crazy friend Tim signing off.

Friday, February 25, 2005

life in a bobble... or was it bubble?

2 interviews next week. I have high hopes for them. Oh and I need to go to my unemployment seminar next week to. That should be fun.

My ankles are doing better. So that's nice. I am going to a rock show tonight at the old fire house in redmond. Hopefully it's a rocking show:) I haven't heard of any of the bands, but who cares. At least I'm getting out.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. Catch you later-

Thursday, February 24, 2005

soreness to the extreme :)

So I went on the walk yesterday. My ankles are bloody, but I made it all the way out to the end of the spit. It turns out it was a 5.5 mile hike from the car. I thought that it wouldn't be too tough seeing as it was flat and non-mountainous. Well, it turns out that walking on a rocky/sandy beach, where the rocks keep moving as you walk on them, doesn't do good things for your ankles:) Perhaps I should have chosen better shoes or something, but it felt like I accomplished something yesterday, which was nice.

Today I am sore, but happy:) I am going to go have lunch with work peeps today, so I can feel like a useful part of society.

Anyway, look for pictures from yesterday on my photoblog. I have an interview with Surreal Software next week as well as the MS position.

Anyway, I need to run to the bank and get to work:) Have a great day.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

life in the middle twenties...

Ok, you're right, 27 is a little more than mid 20. Anyway, I saw Constantine last night. That show was rocking hard core:) That is to say, I kinda liked it, in a true nerd kind of way.

Tomorrow I head for the peninsula. I'm doing a 6 mile hike out onto the dungenous spit tomorrow. That's 6 miles 1-way, so 12 miles total. I'm sure I'll be exhausted tomorrow night.

Today I bought "I <3 huckabees" which I think is one of the best films ever made.

Oh and I have an interview with Surreal Software next week also, so that should be fun.

Well, I gotta go now. I hope everyone is doing ok.

Monday, February 21, 2005

and I'm back!

I just got back from Oregon. I went to the chinese garden in Portland with Brian, Amy, Paul & Tarah. I went and saw "Hitch" again with Lowell & Susanne. And I spent today with Houck!

For those of you in the know, and those who aren't, these are all friends I went to SPU with. It was a fun weekend home. Went to dinner with the mom & stepdad on friday night. This restaurant called Beaches. It was kinda classy/kinda family oriented (aka kinda trashy)

Anyway, it's 1:46am, I always think about stuff when I'm in oregon. I think about my love life, both past, present and future. I think about where things went wrong, and where things are going.

I am confused as ever:) Catch you guys on the flip side!

Friday, February 18, 2005

who needs sleep?

Well, here I am. 27 yrs old. I'm in love with the idea of being in love, and yet I'm not desperate or forceful in my attempts to procure love. I think I finally understand that song, the first cut is the deepest.

Anyway, I depart for another road trip to Oregon tomorrow. That should be hella fun! I got my ipod with 6.4 days/2432 songs/11.45 GB of music on it, so I shouldn't have to listen to any radio while I'm down there :)

Plus I get to see friends and eat dinners:)It should be quite the shindig. I just need ot not forget presents or to bring back a printer.

Word of the day: Longevity
From one romantic soul to another. Lots of love and laugh out loud-

Thursday, February 17, 2005

ahh... who needs sleep?

It's 1:30 and I SHOULD be asleep. However the blogging community can attest to the fact that I am still awake. I really blame books and World of Warcraft.

So our little raid made the front page of the local news section today. The link can be found here:

The Seattle PI

So that was rather exciting.

I went and walked around greenlake today. So that helped to make me the exhausted man you see before you:) Also, I took pics and posted them over at my photoblog:) So you should go there to check em out.

Can I just tell you how much I love the greenlake? Well I do!

Anyway, take care, I'm going to sleep!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

what's up? Gun running?

So I wake up at 7:30... "This is the Seattle Police Department. We have a search warrant for 1321 NE 65th St. This is the Seattle Police Department. We are conducting a search of 1321..."

If you're going to do it, could you be a little more quiet about it? Hello, I'm trying to sleep! Turns out the "neighbors" were gun runners. They had something like 1000 guns or something. The FBI was here as was the SPD. I guess they "raided" 3 houses in the area. I found out most of this stuff on the 5 o'clock news, as they broadcast from my front yard.

Anyway, we're looking for a new housemate. So that's exciting. Tomorrow I'm doing lunch with work peeps, so that's good. Today I got paid for searching for 3 jobs last week. That was nice.

Anyway, I hope people are doing good. I'm off to eat dinner.

Monday, February 14, 2005

check out the updated tat...

So when I said something like I'm going to sleep. I lied. It's now 3am and I think I "finished" with the banner for the tattoo. I still need to talk to the artist and make sure they can make it beautiful, but at least you can get the idea.

See it here

Goodnight for reals-


So I got into this discussion about my tattoo. Why the heart? I think because I think of love as a raw and naked emotion, semi disgusting and absolutely essential. It is a beautiful, ugly, marvelous thing. Without love, life would stop, and yet so many people live without it everyday. It is one of the most uplifting and scary emotions available. Of all the feelings, it also has the potential for the most pain.

Does love hurt? Sometimes. Is it worth the risk? Definitely. I may have been burned by love, but I won't let it keep me down.

Well, I'm going to grab some sleep now.

Take care beautiful world-

Saturday, February 12, 2005

alright you pervs :)

So All i get for messages these days are "I want to see the naked Tim" :)

Well how about this!

Yeah, I know, it's just my chin that is naked, but still. You guys don't really want to see me naked. It's true you don't! I've seen me naked and wished I hadn't ;)

ANYWAY, I've cleaned out my old room (ok there's still vacuuming and like 5 things that need to be moved out) and we're shopping for a new housemate. Anyway, I'm off to collect some unemployment and get some sleep:)

Check you cats later-

Friday, February 11, 2005

haircuts and what not...

So I got my haircut today. It's nice and trimmed. I'm going to shave in the morning. Something you all don't know... I stopped shaving partly because my girlfriend at the time liked the idea of a beard.

Tomorrow I will be naked.

In other news, you guys REALLY need to turn on the atom.xml feature. A lot of you have it turned on, which I appreciate:) (I started using the konfabulator which updates me on when one of my favorite blogs updates via which only seems to update if the atom.xml thing is turned on.

Anyway, I'll post pictures of my naked self tomorrow. In the mean time, I hope everyone sleeps well.
Take care-

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I'm not that addicted...

I am 38% Internet Addict.
Slight Internet Addict.
I could go either way. Deep into the madness of nights filled with coding CGI-Scripts and online role playing games, or I could become a normal user. Good luck!

life as something sweet and something bitter

So I posted a picture of the heart of the tattoo over on the photo blog. I really like the way it turned out. now I just need to figure out how the banner will wrap around on it.

So here it is: Lent. I hope everyone had a nice fat tuesday. I am going to go read now. It's 2am:)
Catch you later-

Monday, February 07, 2005

reports & moving...

Today I received a "You have been reported for illegally using the HOV lanes" flier. It doesn't mean anything, but it seems that some people don't like my "cheating".

Anyway, I'm watching Firefly, which is an excellent series. I heard about the 3rd father that died this year. It seems to be a year of death.

I've decided to re-evaluate my life including where I'm heading and what I'm doing with my life. I'm reading "Mere Christianity" and am going to try and make a 5 year plan.

I continued cleaning my old room today and should finish up tomorrow. Oh and the banner on my heart is "Amate omnes et omnia".

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

funniest oedipus paper EVER

Hey gang-
I was just over at and found this funny little paper



So I went to my reunion tonight. It was my 5 year college reunion. It was really good. I got some blogger addresses and will now be able to better keep in contact with my old SPU friends... at least the ones that were there tonight.

I added Ryan's blog to my list of contacts as I got permission from him for that. He's a pretty cool guy from way back in the day:)

Anyway, I'm not sure if 2005 will be the worst or best year, I just know it had a really shitty start.

The always searching-

Saturday, February 05, 2005

2005... worst year ever?

A friends dad died on like January 5th...

Another friends dad died on Januray 22nd...

2 weeks ago a blogging buddy was hit by a drunk driver and put into a coma for a couple of days...

A friend asked me to not be part of her life ever again

A friend moved out, although she's happy with her boyfriend, it still sucks for me

My friends ipods don't work and she's spent 1200 on them so far

My tax return is 81 dollars instead of 2000...

Possibly no NY trip :(

and it's only February....


Friday, February 04, 2005

ahh lip syncing...

This kid is hilarious!

check it here



I found out a good blogging buddy was in a car accident. It seems she was in a coma for a couple of days and may be paralyzed from the waist down. So if you pray, just make a simple prayer for my blogging friend.

It makes me wonder about how short life is. I realize that I live life like it will never end. But shit happens. I hate that.

I've applied for 1 of the 3 jobs I'll be applying for this week. Thank God for unemployment. Anyway, I'm exhausted so I'm going to bed.

I hope everyone is having a good day.
Take care-

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


So today I bought DDR. For those of you not in the know, it is a dancing game that you use with a pad. I'm thinking of using the exercise option during my break.

I also went to the open-gym volleyball tonight. Those people are INTENSE! I think I may have twisted an ankle :P

Anyway, it's 12:48 and I'm exhausted. Check you later-

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

ahh drunk :) (AKA horny horny feelings)

So it's 12:40 am. Peter and Aaron bought my drinks tonight, so that was awesome. I have no idea how much I drank or what it cost. I will now attempt to break down the unknown...

9pm) Black Russian
9:20) shot of red headed slut
9:30) malibu + diet coke
9:40) Diet coke
10:00) the pink taco (an emily original)
10:30) black russian
11:15) Goldschlager
12:15) home and shower
12:50) it's time for bed!
