Wednesday, November 28, 2001

So, here I are, midway through the week and I am exhausted. well, I got home not before midnight on monday, and not before 10:45 and I won't get to bed tonight before 11:30, so anyway, I gotta go...


Tuesday, November 27, 2001

added a poem on unwelcome

So anyway, I was going to talk about compliments for girls and how I don't want to seem like a puts and tell them that they look beautiful everytime I see them, cause i think they're beautiful, but how they don't want that, so I tell them never and they don't like that either, but I don't have time, cause of how it's 1am.


Monday, November 26, 2001

working working working...

hehehe... blogging:)

So they offered me a fulltime pos. here, so I think I'm goonna take it. I figure at least this way I can be all like, steady income man. And they can be like, we'll pay you regularly people. Plus I get benefits. Now If i could just get my paycheck from last week:P

Nyway, still figuring out the roommate shit.and have the SPU concert tonight at Benaroya(sp?) Hall. Should be fun, also have to figure out the "tradition" thing on friday.

Well, back to the trenches-

Sunday, November 25, 2001

Ok, back in WA. I love my family, but it's wonderful to be home;)

I miss you all, I'll write more later....

Marc is here and Jebe and KElley, these peeps rock my world. too bad we don't get to see eachother much:(

Wednesday, November 21, 2001


ok, I'm in OR. I left at 10am this morning and arrived at 1:20 all in all a very quick trip for the day before thanksgiving. OK really though, later that same afternoon, it took me 1 hour to drive 20 miles:P

anyway, hope you are all having fun...

Monday, November 19, 2001

Hey, I'll play...

The basics:
Full name: Aaron James Schmitt
Name of school: Hard Knocks... :)
How often do you check your email: Too many times
Color of eyes: Blue-ish
Hair: Light Brown-ish
Height: 6' 7"
Location: Monroe, WA, or as redneck hicks like to say, MawnRow Warshington
Zodiac sign: Taurus

Have you ever...

Gotten drunk: No
Gone out in public wearing your PJ's: No
Missed school because of rain: No, well, I might have used that as an excuse to skip a class or 2 in college
Set any body part on fire: No
Kept a secret from everyone: Yes
Had a crush on a teacher: No
Had a New Kids on the Block tape: Hell no.
Been on stage: Yes (crazy church productions).
Gotten in a car accident: with me driving, 1 (someone else's fault). As a passenger many times as a kid.


Shampoo: Pert Plus
Conditioner: see above
Town to chill: Seattle
Commercial: Sportscenter and Seattle Mariners commercials
Cereal: Rice Krispies, Honey Combs, Lucky Charms
TV shows: King of the Hill, Malcolm in the Middle, Cowboy Bebop
Movies: Almost Famous, Field of Dreams, Moulin Rouge, Star Wars Trilogy, Karate Kid, Mononoke Hime, Tonari no Totoro, Princess Bride, and many many more.
Scent: I can't think of one...
Music group: U2, Poor Old Lu
Favorite person to talk to online: Pretty much everyone on my IM lists
First crush: Don't remember (yes I'm that old)
What is on your walls: Movie Posters (Star Wars Trilogy, Princess Mononoke, Batman Forever Teaser, Saving Private Ryan), 2 advertisement type fans I got in Japan.
Ever been skinny dipping: No
Worst feeling on earth: Pissing someone off so bad that they stop talking to you
Best feeling in the world:Hanging out with good friends
Word or phrase overuse: Dude, yo, like,
Get along with parents: Usually.
Bedtime: 10:30pm-11:30pm
What are you wearing right now: Jeans, columbia sportsware shirt, socks, undearwear
Are you lonely: Not really
Are you talking to someone online: Nope (they're all away)

Last 24 Hours...

Cut your hair: No
Worn a skirt: No
Been mean: Hopefully not
Been sarcastic: Probably
Met someone new: Yeah (in the last 36 hours that is)
Fought with your parents: no
First thing you thought this morning: It's 9:30 already?

In the future...

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Somewhere else :)
Future son's name: Mike (Michael)
Future daughter's name: Xenia (it sounds cool, and it starts with X)
Where do you want to live when you get married: Hopefully in a house :)

When was the last time you...

Wished upon a star: You can do that? wow... ;)
Went to the beach at night: Summer of 1998, when I was in Japan
Spent some quality time with yourself: Today
Read a book for fun: September-ish
Believed in yourself: I believe I believe in myself currently

How long did this survey take you: a whopping 16 minutes.

So "someone" made me promise to fill this thing out, so here it goes...

Other people can do it too, not just me:)

The basics:
Full name: Timothy Brian Williams
Name of school: umm... does this even apply anymore? (SPU)
How often do you check your email: about 100 times a day, someone set up a counter 1 time and I think it was right around 100.
Color of eyes: brown
Hair: umm... brown
Height: 5'10" last time I looked anyway
Location: Bothell or as my gay roommate liked to call it, BAWWWWWTHHHUUULLL
Zodiac sign: scorpio

Have you ever...

Gotten drunk: nope, never;)
Gone out in public wearing your PJ's:all the time
Missed school because of rain: yeah
Set any body part on fire: not that I can recall, but maybe before I can recall
Kept a secret from everyone: yeah, at least twice
Had a crush on a teacher: hell, no
Had a New Kids on the Block tape: nope.
Been on stage: kinda, see there was this time when I was "expressive" and they had a play for the "special" kids (as far as I can tell) and I got to play a lead:)
Gotten in a car accident: 3 times, 2 times my fault


Shampoo: Thermasilk
Conditioner: umm... Herbal essences
Town to chill: To date, I'd have to say Bath.
Commercial: discovery channel's "atmosphere"
Cereal: umm... Frosted Flakes, TTTTtthhhhhheeeeeyyyyy'rrrreeeee GREAT!!
TV shows: Enterprise/The Tick/Older X-Files/Sunday Night Fox
Movies: Moulin Rouge, Cowboy Bebop, Lord of the Rings(hopefully) ...
Scent:victoria secret Pear
Music group: Jewel? (she's not really a group more like a Goddess)
Favorite person to talk to online: can't really say I have a favorite, although Kevin is fun cause he and I can both stop writing for like 3 hours and then come back to the convo:)
First crush: Marion Vote
What is on your walls: Jewel, Yoda, Tomb Raider
Ever been skinny dipping: I don't recollect
Worst feeling on earth: Having to shoot your only friend in the back of the head cause he's retarded and keeps killing people
Best feeling in the world:I'm guessing sex, but I'm knowing spending time with someone you like
Word or phrase overuse: Fuck shit ass muthafucka
Get along with parents: yeah...all four of them.
Bedtime: I try and get to sleep by midnight, but I can't usually
What are you wearing right now: boxers, shorts, socks, "freak" T-shirt
Are you lonely: no
Are you talking to someone online: not right now:)

Last 24 Hours...

Cut your hair: no
Worn a skirt: maybe:)
Been mean: no
Been sarcastic: nope :)
Met someone new: uh uh
Fought with your parents: no
First thing you thought this morning:aww shit, another day

In the future...

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: hehehe, world traveller
Future son's name: John
Future daughter's name: Amber
Where do you want to live when you get married: hmm... don't care

When was the last time you...

Wished upon a star: can't remember, I think I was 7
Went to the beach at night: umm... long time ago
Spent some quality time with yourself: 4 years ago? maybe 5:) oh wait, I did live with Steve for a while;)
Read a book for fun: this morning
Believed in yourself: now

How long did this survey take you: 21 mins
Do you want your friends to send this back to you with their info? nah, they could just blog it...

How come no one ever tells my house that there's a fucking meteor shower? I mean really people you could give us some warning

Sunday, November 18, 2001

PS- Paul and tarah's wedding was cool, I drew on the program and got to see lots o'peeps that I hadn't seen in a long time. Weirdly enough, alot of them were looking for work:(

note to selves: Listen to Mudhoney - Acetone

Someone recently asked me if I believe that there is 1 person out there for us.

I had to respond like this...

Yes and No, I did believe in the 1 true love thing, a while ago. However, I no longer believe in it. I believe that we make the love. We can create and destroy the love. There is no 1 person you must find. No predestination, Bill Gates was not predestined for the power he has. He took it.

hmm... sorry, got a little off track. I think that you can love multiple people. There are people that I will forever love, they have taken part of my heart with them. (I think there are 5 girls, but maybe only 4, i forget the exact count and I try not to think of them) I think no matter who you love, there will always be work involved in the relationship sometime or another. I mean you can't be in "love" forever, but you can love someone forever. Do you even understand what I'm saying?

Anyway, Harry potter was awesome, followed the book extremely well. "But I've never even been to Mars"

EEk EEk, I'm a monkey

Saturday, November 17, 2001

Demotivators kick ass! check this one out: ignorance or this one: loneliness. For more, go to

Friday, November 16, 2001

That show WAS the shiznit... Those fuckers rocked my socks off...

But now my feet are bloody hurting. OUch, well time to watch movie with kevin...

Thursday, November 15, 2001

Just wanted to give a shout out to everyone. I'm chillin' at kevin's computer at his work, waiting for him to get out of a meeting. Cause we're going to go see the D tonight, along with Weezer and Jimmy Eat world.

I'm so excited!!!!

Anyway, I'll check you guys latah

I'd post more, but what am I going to blog about? It's not like there's a whole lot happening with me these days... let's see, get up, look for jobs a few times during the day (online), play some games and whatnot, and go to bed.

I lead a thrilling life.

Oh, and Tim, don't forget the 1st step of being an alky, denial. :)

A couple more things I guess...

So I won racquetball tonight. And while I was doing laps on the track I got started wondering why people would pick me as a friend. I didn't come up with any particular reason, except I must've tricked em good. I mean God knows I don't open up to people.

Jameson makes me warm.

Also, Mary, why is it Larry? LcCorkle? I mean, I'm just curious:) Did you have an operation? Like a name transplant or something?

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

so, someone has been bugging me about blogging, so I figured I'd waited long enough:)

Well, actually, I'm supposed to go watch "Enterprise" now, but now I'm back from that:) weird how I can leave and come back and just keep typing like no time past and now you're reading this, like, "Tim you're on crack, it's the same damn message."

So, when I got the mail yesterday, Marc had sent us a postcard of a topless girl on a beach and was like, "I read a lot at the beach here", and then today when I got the mail there was a postcard for Austin. This one had a dude on the front and said, "Hey Austin, this beach has lots of topless men on it, it's pretty cool, you should come visit it" I almost pissed my pants I was laughing so hard.

N - E - way, I'm drinking a little Jameson tonight, just to keep me warm of course;) I'd say I was turning into an alky, but this is the first drink I've had in like a week and a half, so I wouldn't say that I am, but I'm doing like 2 of the 4 signs. Drinking by myself, and only drinking hard shit.

So, I've been really busy at work recently, my site went live. So I've been maintaining it. Trying to keep it running. Had to come home early today, because my brain broke down. (You know that time when you are overwhelmed with work to the point of not being able to function, that's the point I was at)

So I came home and bought the new Jewel album, much kicking of the ass:) Also got to play with the game cube, which I want more time with, cause I think it'll be much kick ass. (Played Rogue Squadron, very fun)

So, I'm really looking forward to the Tenacious D/Weezer/Jimmy Eat world concert tomorrow night. IT should kick some major boot�.

Well, I think I've blogged enough for right now, I'll check you dogs latah...

PS - I just checked Sunday hero and was shocked to see she'd changed her layout once again. I guess I'm just a guy that likes my layout, I think the blue helps to neutralize any angry feelings:)

Monday, November 12, 2001

no reading:( I have no time:( Could I also tell you how I'd like to be independently wealthy? Then I could stay home and play with my roommates all the time. oh well, on the plus side I got my car refinanced.

So now that I'm 24 and people like me again... I figured I should start blogging again...

Went up to the Lee's yesterday and celebrated the bday with them. Got, Grave of the Fireflies, for my bday, still need to watch it.

It's about midnight on sunday night/monday morning, and I just got done watching "snatch" in my room with big A. Now kevin is playing GT3. Over the past couple of days I've gotten, SSX Tricky, THPS3, Devil May Cry, and Spyhunter. Talk about being busy. I think we need more PS2's in the house:)

Also, I haven't heard from Brad, so I need to call him. Also, I finally got the games from the amazon. Those bitches. I'm watching some ifilms, right now, they're way funny.

Also, I just wanted to talk about how I love women. and how i do not understand them. But I think I've already talked about those two before, so I won't bore you. And another thing, Weezer is gonna rock....

Friday, November 09, 2001

oh yeah, and I'm loving XP so far, it is very fun

Thursday, November 08, 2001


Wednesday, November 07, 2001

So another postless 24 hours... amazing. It must be just a dead time for writing for people.

I had a pretty awesome evening last night, hanging out with friends I haven't seen for a while. Another one of my friends is engaged... I can't believe it. I guess that's what happens when you don't get a chance to see someone for 6 months or so... wow. It was fun to talk finally though, after such a long time. It's amazing what can happen when you just decide to hang out and spontaneously call people :)

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

Wow... no posts in 24 hours.

So anyways... I was going through my files and stuff on my computer, and stumbled across a bunch of old sent mail from like 4 years ago. So I started reading everything, and it was pretty crazy, just seeing what I was thinking/going through back then, and how much I've changed (some for the good, some for the bad). It's pretty cool to have this sort of record of thoughts from back then. I'm glad I saved everything.

On the job front, it's oh so encouraging to see about 15 whole new jobs posted this weekend. Wow... yeah, we're not in a recession or anything right now. riiiighhhtt.

Monday, November 05, 2001


Best movie month this year = December... I know a lot of good movies have come out recently, but just look at the dates...

Dec. 18 = Moulin Rouge hits DVD, You know I HAVE to own this movie. Especially since I DO consider it one of the greatest films ever.
Dec. 19 = LORD OF THE RINGS hits theatres nationwide.

These will be my 2 favorite movie days I believe. Also, I think maybe they'll do a midnight showing of LOTR at Cinerama and you know I'm all over that, if I can get tickets. I mean it's fuckin' LOTR.

Oh so my yesterday... I went to church in the morning with Big A and Cliff and Hannah. Then we went to Thai food afterward. mmmm... Thai food. (items ordered: vegi Red Curry***, something fire**, cashew chicken***, and Pud Thai Chicken**:)) Then we went and saw Monsters, Inc at Oaktree. It was fun, and we got to see the Episode 2 teaser. Then we came back here and I got a headache, so I was in bed from 6pm till 7:15 this morning.

hmm.... my birthday is on saturday, in case anyone was curious:)

Have a good day everyone...

Sunday, November 04, 2001

umm... Amidy, it's "Darby O'Gill and the little people" not Derby

in the dream I play an almost 24 yr old male looking for a job... Actually in all accounts, the dream me would seem real in this dream world...

"Today's story is called, 'Albert the clown', written by Andy, age 29. Wonder who that could be? There was once this funny clown and his name was Albert. Sometimes people tried to be CUTE and pronounce his name in french, which was 'Al-bear'. People did this so much that Albert started believing he WAS bear. He moved to the forest of the Northwestern United States, to live on nuts and berries. Soon, 'Al-bear', became a tall hairy man with long hair and fingernails and bare feet. Because he was an ex-clown, he had BIG, HUGE FEET. Today 'Albert the clown' is better known as big foot. So the next time you're camping in the great Northwest, remember to raise a big 'Hey-diddly-o' to 'Al-bear'." - Brak

I'm Mark, I'm an eskimo...

Saturday, November 03, 2001

in some weird twist of fate, what is real?

I'm pretty much sure I'm a figment of someone's imagination... But I couldn't be forsure. This dream sure is interesting.

Maybe cahlen is on to something. (his loving sleep, kevin too)... What if we're living a dream, and at night we go and lie in our beds and wake up. When in this dream we think we're awake...

Oh what an interesting thought....

They can't even ship 3 silly things on time. NOoooooo, They have to wait 3 days after something comes out and then not ship it till like the next day and you really wanted it for the weekend but do you get it for the weekend? NooooOOOooooo...



Thursday, November 01, 2001

another day, another drachma...

well, not today, actually, today was no drachma:(

Oh well, told Austin that we don't really like his choice of replacement and that we're looking for our own guy. C'est la vie. oh well, I'm really hungry.

So it's my first day of unemployment again, too bad I couldn't sleep in. Argh! stupid body clock waking me up at 6:30. The fun of looking for a job begins again, at least I've already submitted a couple of resumes.