Saturday, March 30, 2002


Since we last talked... Amorah got married, I got to dance with D at the wedding, Cory didn't get the job yet, I had an interview with another MS group, I finished "choke", I watched Blade 2, twice, and tonight I watched the Lord of the Rings again:) This time with the Two Towers Preview on the end:)

The LOTR:FOTR DVD info was released... here

It's almost easter time, and I need to figure out what's going on. I think I might be going with Kevin, but he may have already left, dunno. I guess I'll find out in the morning.

The Two Towers looks INCREDIBLE. I am mostly looking forward to the riders of Rohan, as well as the Ents. Man oh man, I can hardly wait...

Saturday, March 23, 2002

Cahlen's leaving, Cory might be leaving...

does anyone care? I need to figure out my future. Amorah is getting married tomorrow. (today)

Nostalgia, I read a little of my travel journal last night, it's amazing how I can go back there. Just a word, a smell, a picture, I can almost remember it like it's today. Yet I can't remember what I did 2 days ago. I can't remember the movies I saw last week, let alone last year. I can tell you the main characters major malfunction in every Chuck Palahniuk book, yet can't really remember the characters from the Lord of the rings(at least the ones not in theaters right now)

Is my life passing me one day at a time? or is it a year at a time?

I think I've lost all sense of time

Thursday, March 14, 2002

busy busy busy
Well, it's finally over, over time that is. I have had every night off this week. It's been pretty nice.

Got Zoolander on tuesday and have watched it twice now. That shit makes me laugh. Looking forward to sleeping in on saturday. Only one more morning of waking up before that:)

Dyslexic, I am not. Speak correctly, I can. Think slowly, I do.

Buh bye

Sunday, March 10, 2002


So, I worked 25 hours this weekend. This seems to be a great amount of work. I mean, if you only count the weekend days, (sat. & sun) you get 48 hours, of which I spent more than half in a building at MS.

Anyway, it was nice to have Jebe and Kelley in the house again. Also got to see Dejah and Amorah this week. So that was nice.

what else...

Saw Time machine on friday night. Not a bad movie, could have had more of a more completeness. It left you wanting at least another 30 minutes or something.

Worked till midnight last night, worked till 9 tonight. Last day off was February 24th. Hmm.. how time flies...

Thanks for being in my life-

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

Beautiful Mind

Went and saw "Beautiful Mind" tonight.It was really good. There were 7 people at the movie. 3 girls, 4 boys, can you guess who didn't have a date:)

I don't know, I think I should move out of the boonies. It's hard enough to ask if a girl would like to do something, w/o having to drive 30 minutes to get her. it makes it difficult to be spontaneous.

Also, can I tell you that my girl contact has about reached 0. (Not really true, I saw Jebe and Kelley tonight, but they don't count cause they're here for kevin, I just get the pleasure of their company when Jebe is in town, (also Jebe and Kelley, thanks for hanging out and not dissing me, sorry I couldn't let you drive my car, but I think Amidy would have killed me)) However, back to the original point. I can't remember the last time I met a new girl. Especially, the last time I met a girl and didn't make a total ass out of myself.

2 of My flaws:
1) Not thinking before I speak, and closely related,
2) Speaking whatever's on my mind.

(Usually this involves sex or trying to find out intimate information about the person I'm sitting across from. which in turn makes them embarassed)

Then later I become annoying, and also, I don't pay enough attention to them. (Major flaw on my part, but I have trouble focusing)

The alarm clock comes soon, so I'll be going to bed.
God Bless-

Monday, March 04, 2002


It seems that grief is a very lonely feeling. No one knows how you feel and they try to empathize with you, but they don't know the hurt or the pain. So there is no comfort in friends. I guess having someone to talk with it about is good.

< abridged >

Can you see that? The emotional exhaustion? Can you see the dried tears? Can you tell when I don't feel up to snuff? Is it invisible? Does it appear as a hang over? Or something more believable?

< /abridgement >


So there was a time that I had weekends and there will be a time when I have them again. But until that day comes, I will just remember them as a good time in my life.

In other news, The D is coming through town in April, that'll be a rockin show!!

Sleep is a good thing-

Friday, March 01, 2002

in other news
First I'd just like to say that when you all were talking about "Lex", all I could think of was the Sci-fi channel show "Lexx". but then I investigated and you all were talking about the show "Smallville".

Also, my coworker is having dreams about me.



I'd like to think that when I don't write on here that I'm spending hours at a cabin out in the woods somewhere. Unfortunately, what it usually means is that I'm working my ass off and that I don't have much to write about.

Anyway, I'm working through the weekend. Smiley face. I get overtime :) frowny face, I don't get to spend all the time this weekend with my friends:(

N-E-way, hope everyone is doing good, I'll check you latah-