Thursday, August 18, 2005


Here I am... did you miss me?

A lot has happened over the past couple weeks. I have a girlfriend now. I've started working my mad hours at work.

I am still trying to move into my apartment. That is, I have moved out, now I need to just get my new place cleaned up. Unfortunately I keep going out till all hours of the night.

One of these days it may catch up with me. I am going to get my tattoo on september 3rd. Reviews are coming up, I may or may no end up with a raise and/or bonus.

*sigh* I am working too much for what amount to $15/hr with the hourly rate going down per hour of OT I do. This weeks total = 51 (by the end of the week) :P

Well, I'm sorry for stopping by just to bitch, but I'm tired :(

I promise to post more about the girlfriend some other day ;)
Cheers fuckers-

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

sleepy tired sleepy

It's 12:30 and I should be asleep. I got home at 9pm and should have gotten straight to cleaning. Instead I got on WoW and played there for a while with some friends. Now I'm tired and I know I'll wake up exhausted tomorrow and I still don't have all my unpacking done. Anyone want a game table?

We hit a motorcyclist on saturday night while trying to return a friend of a girl home. I hope he's alright. It was scary and exhausting. Our driver finally got done with processing at 4am. I slept straight till noon on sunday.

Anyway, I need to go sleep now.
Peace bitches-

Thursday, August 04, 2005

sleep and lack there of

kissing, flirting, biting, pulling, pushing, breathing, tugging, licking, sweating, moaning, drinking, smoking, cussing, rubbing, cuddling, talking...

alright, enough of that :) It's been a bit of a long week. We're coming up on crunch time. I'm moving,. I'm playing soccer. I'm going out drinking. I'm flirting. I'm texting. I'm beginning. I'm ending. I'm holding my breath, waiting to see where things are going.

I'm tired and sleepy. I need to get more sleep tonight.
Cheers fuckers :)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

new friends, new apartments

Well, I moved into the new apartment last night. It's so quiet there! I love it.

I got my tatoo appointment setup for September 3rd, so that'll be exciting! Got Cable internet and cable television hooked up at the new apartment, so I have started my DVR up on some new Anime! I think I'm going to love my new DVR:)

Last thursday was fun. I slept 1 hour and friday was hell, but the time spent meeting new friedns was well worth it.

Tonight I have soccer, and then I need to buy stuff for my new apartment. I don't have a shower curtain, so I need to get one, especially after soccer!

Alright, I need to get back to testing videogames.
Later kids-