Saturday, December 24, 2005

christmas eve...

so I'm pretty sure the gf isn't checking her im's while she's down there, or she really doesn't love me anymore. I can't really tell the difference. Note to women: men do need to know that we're wanted and needed in your lives.

I feel like chump for falling in love, even if she does still love me. I'd like to believe that there is a relationship somewhere where you don't feel like someone is trying to leave you and actually needs you in their life.

Anyway, I'm off to christmas eve service at my mom's church. Wish me luck for the next 36 hours.

Cheers, fuckers!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

just wait...

So here I sit in oregon. My "girlfriend" some 1000's of miles away. My parents in the other room and my relationship hangs in the threads.

Have I finally annoyed her to the point she'll leave me? Does she love me anymore? Is this more of a fight than I want to put in right now? When she says she'll call and then doesn't, does that mean she doesn't respect me?

I miss my friends. All of you. I miss hanging out in the dorms having anyone stop by because it was right down the hall.

I started watching "Battlestar Galactica" season 1. This show is like CRACK! seriously you should watch it.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll write again soon :) afterall, I'm marooned in oregon and I'm looking for some attention (*cough, hint, cough*)

Cheers fuckers, and have a merry christmas if I don't get back here in the next day or so!

Monday, December 19, 2005

these things I've learned

*making a margarita on the rocks does not mean blending it then straining it into another glass... you just make it like you would any other mixed drink

*Just because you love someone doesn't mean they'll love you back

*Just because someone loves you doesn't mean they'll ALWAYS love you

*Pho tastes better with the rooster (AKA cock) sauce

*don't read blogs by ex-lovers

*working in videogames is both rewarding and demanding

*working in videogames is not as fun as you'd think

*having a girlfriend in graduate school sucks

*my blogger friends are the BEST blogger friends out there

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I miss my girlfriend. Seriously, I miss her. She's been in school/overtime mode for about 4 weeks now.

She went through this "I'm not good enough for him", "I've never had a boyfriend that treated me good", so I'm freaked out thing. I can't even read her right now.

I wish I could read her right now. I can't figure her out? should I be concerned? does she still love me?

I wish I knew. I'll update you as things progress.
Cheers fuckers-