Thursday, March 31, 2005

and so it goes...

I started my new job. It's been fun so far. But I feel like I'm doing the same thing I was doing before, which is weird cause I AM doing the same thing I was before!

Anyway, it's been a pretty busy week. I decided to go to E3 which should be hella fun. It's basically all the game manufacturers getting together and trying to show each other up. Which means all the new systems should be on display! I'm really excited.

In the mean time, I'm planning my party on the 15th and trying to figure out how I'm going to survive until my next payday.

Which reminds me, I need to go to the bar.
Catch you later-

Friday, March 25, 2005

watch out, I bite ;)

So some thing to discover, to know about me...

Music styles I love! -
Modest Mouse
Elliot Smith
Pete Yorn
(what can I say? I like the folk, I like the story tellers and the ones who put their emotion on the tape)

I was talking with a friend today about priorities... what they need to be and what they mostly are. And I thought I'd share with you :)

1) God
2) Significant Other
3) Children
4) Everyone else
5) You

What it actually is
1) You
2) Everyone else

This is probably a result of our selfish nature, and I'm as guilty as the next guy. Anyway, happy good friday.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

ahh the 'rents!

Well, today I got the "It'd be nice for you to settle down and get a wifey" from the parents. As if I needed prodding. As if I'm not out there everyday hoping I don't accidentally miss the love of my life.

They say that you really don't find your love until you stop looking. I think that's a bit preposterous. I mean, it's like saying you can't be friends until you don't want to be friends. I just don't get it. Maybe that's why I'm not lucky in love?

They say that scorpios overthink lots of things. What do you think?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

here we are again

I'm in oregon. My parents are talking politics. I see myself in my father. Awkward and left to his own world. He is ignored in his own house. I hope he is doing well, but we're so different. I don't know him.

I hate that. I hate that I don't know my own father, yet I see myself in him all the time. I hope I'm not as distant from my children as he was with me.

Well, I need to read.
Peace out-

oregon and more again :)

Well, I'm about to take off for Oregon. It's pretty exciting :) I am looking forward to some free food!

So my friend sent me the link today. It's pretty funny :)

Umm... so I really need to clean my room. How about friday?

Well, I'm off, catch you later-

Monday, March 21, 2005

walking hard

Hey gang-
So I walked around greenlake, up to 80th down roosevelt and back home. All-in-all a pretty good hike. I've put up some pictures from the hike and the past couple of days on my photo blog.

The parents when home yesterday. I'm getting ready to head to oregon for a few days starting tomorrow, so that should be exciting. I have 1 week till I start new employee orientation, so I'm trying to make the most of my time off. That means, playing video games, drinking alcohol, reading books, listening to music, walking and driving around. It's hard being this busy :)

Well, I'm off to write some emails. Catch you cats later-

Sunday, March 20, 2005

movies, parents and 1am

So it's 1am. I've been hanging out with my parents today. We watched Robots and Hostage. They were both good movies. I really want to see Sin City. Everytime I see a trailer for it, my lust drive goes off.

Anyway, hanging with the parents is always kinda weird/awkward. I know it shouldn't be, but for some reason it is. Probably because I feel I can't relate to them and that I need to hide who I really am from them.

That makes for an interesting relationship, I think ;)

Anyway, it's 1am. I need to sleep.

Friday, March 18, 2005

facial hair

Well, I've decided to grow my goatee out. Shaving sucks. I'm sorry that you ladies have to do it no matter what, but as long as I don't have to, I don't see why I should.

I'll keep it trimmed this time, but I think it can also give me a level of distinction. Anyway, my parents are in town this weekend and I'm exhausted right now, so I'm going to bed.

Catch you cats later-

st. paddy's day,

Oh man, I think I'm finally recovering. Last night was fun. I ended up down at Collins Pub watching my coworker Mike sing and play irish music. Last nights drinks were, 5 Guiness, 1 shot of Jameson, and 1 irish car bomb (1/2 a glass of Guiness with a shot of Jameson/Bailey's irish cream mix dropped in it). Then I came back here and watched Full Metal Alchemist with Ben. It was quite delightful.

So a friend introduced me to They have live streaming music on the web which I think is rad. Plus their music taste is almost as eclectic as mine.

Well, thanks for stopping by. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. My parents are in town so I'm going to be entertaining them.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

drunk again at last...

so I moved back to my house on 65th. It's a nice house with good roommates and even more importantly, it's within walking distance of everyone favorite pub, pies & pints.

Tonight was merely a social visit. That and hard alcohol. Black Russian, Jack & Diet Coke, Crown & Diet Coke, Jagermeister. A pretty good way to say welcome back after a week long haitus. I'm thinking tomorrow will be only Guiness & Irish Whiskey.

I'm exhausted but at least tomorrow there will be no dogs or fleas waking me up at 7am :P

1.5 weeks, Happy St. Patricks Day!

Monday, March 14, 2005

nice guys and job offers...

So I'm going to be working at the Microsoft. I'm pretty stoked. They offered me a competitive rate and I have some sweet benefits coming. It's weird to be thinking that this could be a company I'm working with for the next 5 - 10 years of my life.

I was talking to a friend about "nice guys" today and think I may have stumbled upon something. The thing about being nice is that is what you give everyone. There's not anything particularly intimate about being nice. There's no pull or distinct thing that makes one drawn to niceness. I think that's why I have trouble moving from nice to intimate. First, we need to stop putting up fronts. (*Granted niceness isn't always a front, but it does cover up feelings*)

Second, we need to be more aloof. Third, just have fun. (Really, if you can do the third one, the other 2 should be easy)

Anyway, that is all. I hope you all are doing well.
Take care-

Sunday, March 13, 2005

GT4, adult swim, and girls...

First off, Gran Tourismo 4 is RAD. if you like driving games, I highly recommend it.

I'm patiently waiting to file my unemployment claim for the week and found that Full Metal Alchemist and Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex on Adult Swim. I've also found that I heart anime. Seriously, in my normal everyday life, I hardly find any time to watch it, but when I'm house sitting :) I find time for all sorts of anime!

So I was chatting with an online female friend tonight and she was talking about making out with some girls. I find it interesting that I'm not that comfortable with myself with girls, but this girl has no problems. I know I need to make myself more comfortable and I need to have confidence, but in the meantime, there's always tomorrow.


Saturday, March 12, 2005

life as a dog sitting single occupancy household...

So I think if I'm going to live alone I'll probably need a pet. But maybe not. I have been enjoying my new house with all it's alone time. It gives me lots of time to think and self reflect.

I finished Angels & Demons. It was a cute story.

I still haven't heard from Microsoft about what the actual offer will be. So I applied for my 3 jobs this week. (I guess everyone was at the GDC last week which is why I haven't heard what the actual offer is.)

Well, I'm going to go take the dog for a walk. Catch you later.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

no news is no news...

So I'm patiently waiting... at jarred's house now. Tonight I'm making speghetti with Zuchini instead of noodles. It's VERY diabetic friendly. I've been playing lots of Gran Tourismo 4 and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Hopefully I'll get some time in for some anime as well. Oh and I'm reading Angels & Demons, so that's exciting.

Anyway, gotta go let the dog out.
Catch you later-

Monday, March 07, 2005

for those who haven't heard...

I got a "we're going to send you an offer soon" thing from the second place I interviewed last week. That means maybe one of these days I'll have a Full Time Gig with The Man :)

Yay! I'm SO excited!

I hope everyone is doing good. Catch you later-

Sunday, March 06, 2005

it seems to me...

that I only write my blogs when I'm nervous/excited/sad/lonely/not busy. So it seems that I'm more emotional than I am, or maybe the rest of the time is just a distraction...

Anyway, I have been hanging on the myspace today and realized that there ARE so many beautiful people out there. It makes my troubles and worries seem miniscule. Now I'm all emotional again.

Well, I'm off to read in the park.
Have a great day-

Friday, March 04, 2005


So I lasted 5 rounds today. We'll see how that turns out on monday. I think I did a good job.

Anyway, I'm exhausted, so I'm going to go to bed.
Catch you later-

Thursday, March 03, 2005

whiskey works better than beer

at least according to the late elliot smith. Still have heard no word from Surreal. It seemed like a great company.

Word of the day: Implicit: (adjective) understood without being openly expressed; implied

I'm determining what my weaknesses are. I'm determining when I've had a negative work experience, and what I did about it. I'm trying to figure out how I can figure out how many bugs are left.

I'm trying not to be nervous, but as the interview approaches(14.5 hours) it seems to be a uphill battle:)

Anyway, back to my career studying:)
Take care-

anime, drugs & rock n roll.

sometimes I forget who reads this blog. Today is about studying/anime/and having chris (the new housemate) move in.

For anime, we got Gungrave.

For studying, the notes a nice SDET gave me, as well as notes a nice STE gave me.

Maybe someday we'll all meet. I'll be in a position to fly everyone out for a face 2 face to meet.

Well, it seems that I need to go let the new roommate in.

I hope everyone is doing well. My MS interview is tomorrow, so that's exciting:)
Take care-

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

relationships are easy...

Oh wait, no they're not. Everyday we're drawn into our relationships with others. I realized today, as someone asked me how I saw myself, that I am sometimes a needy friend.

I guess I think I knew it all along. As an only child, I always would want to hang out with my friends, even past the point of being annoying. (or maybe that's just now)

Anyway, getting my life back together again. I went to unemployment insurance orientation today. That was rather boring, but informative. Turns out that the orientation + my 2 interviews, count as my 3 job contacts for the week. So that's something.

Maybe it turns out that I spend time at Pies & Pints everynight because otherwise I feel like I don't see anyone. That I could just stop being and no one would notice. Maybe I strive for friendships because we all have a desire to be accepted by our peers.

So people tell me I need to be comfortable being by myself. Being alone for long periods of time, I spose. Unfortunately that's not who I am. I don't have that built in need to spend time by myself.

Anyway, I should go.
C you around-


So the show today went well, I think. It's always hard to think of it as anything bad.

Anyway, I'm waiting to hear back from them. I'm also waiting to hear from MS, or that is I'm waiting to go into MS.

Tomorrow I'm going into unemployment at 1:30.

Well, I'm pretty tired.