Thursday, January 31, 2002

Another day...

Woohoo!!! Can I just tell you how excited I am for Microsoft!!!!!

Anyway, I sent an email to Houck to see how he was doing, and it turns out he's still working for Dark Horse Comics and he's coming up next week sometime. Well, as you may or may not know, I love comic books (even though i was never allowed to have them when I was younger cause of the devil), and anyway, he's gonna bring me some:) YAY!!!

Also, I wanted to point out that my friend Nate got a blog going.

So I just want to give a shout out to all my peeps and tell ya to go give Nate a visit:)

alot, a lot, there, their, they're, your, you're

these are the words that I cannot use in correct context for the life of me. (I know that alot is not a word, but I still use it, in fact I use a lot very often) :)

Does it make me a hypocrite? I mean, should I have to live in a world where my boss cannot spell routine, and then he misspells it like 420 times? yet, since I can't spell "a lot", I am a hypocrite? (PS- I can't spell hypocrite either)

Well, I'm done on my little spelling defense, peace out-


Got the call from MS, I'm going back on monday the 11th. Woohoo!!!

I told this company I was leaving and they're like, ok, we need to get our budget figured out anyway. Now, I'm just like, "Woohoo!!!"

Anyway, I still haven't found "Intro: a 23 yr old virgin" anywhere:(

Wednesday, January 30, 2002


This is an all points bulletin....

If you have a copy of the first draft of my introduction sitting on your computer somewhere, please send it to me ASAP. Mine seems to have disappeared.
Thank you-

Tuesday, January 29, 2002

Also, I was just talking with Nate (whose wife thinks I'm addicted to computers and not books so I thought I'd let you all in on my response to that)

Basically, it's the "If I had unlimited time and resources question" or better known as "If I won the lottery question"
If I won the lottery...

I would buy 3 houses...
In one house I would have my friends, my TV's, my video games, my Computers, all my technical stuffs. (1st house)

In one other house, I would have a library, and a fireplace. (2nd house)

In my 3 house, I would have my pool, my pool table and my other fun shiznit. (3rd house)

So I would live in the first house, invite my friends to my 3rd house for fun times(also have wild parties there) and then retreat to my 2nd house whenever I was feeling like I wanted to get away.

So my explanation for not reading as much as i can right now, is that I am too distracted and do not have enough time right now to both be sociable and read alot...

Ahh, it's good to dream.

So I put up some more pictures, these are of my 22nd bday, ahh only 2 years ago:)

Enjoy these pics

Peace out

mouth noises

I have recently relearned that making farting noises with your mouth can be really fun. :)


fun sites jarred sent me that you should all go to:)

site 1

site 2


let it snow

The weather outside is frightful... you know the rest.

Anyway, I'm scanning some pictures cause I want to update my Unwelcome hero as I have not done that in quite some time. For those of you just turning in. It's snowing outside, and I'm hoping to work from home at least a little tomorrow. It's finally sticking to the roads, but not our driveway. Weird.

So anyway, I got an email from my friend, and figured that was a good reason enough to send you all(you know who you are, all my invisi-friends:)) to her. So there.

Also, you'll notice my shameless plug earlier about my unwelcome hero. I'm thinking of putting part of my intro for my book up... we'll see how drunk I get tonight;) (that's where cliff and his friends went, to buy alky:) $125 worth :P WooHOO!!!

Well, I'll check you latah-

Monday, January 28, 2002


It's true, I am addicted to books. They are my crack. I need my fix.

It seems to me that there would be some sort of help group for this. but I did a search on google and was unable to find anything....

Please help!!! (BTW, I just ordered "American Gods" from Amazon) help, please...

I would like to take this moment to thank Mary for her honest and helpful reply to my misspelling:) Thank you mary:)

also, I'd like to give a shout out to all the imaginary people reading this blog. Without you, I don't know if I could go on. Heck, I'll even give a shout out to the real people that read this blog:)


Disdain - The feeling Tim has for his boss.

here it is again, I almost called in sick today. I wish I had. Oh well, the other guy called in sick today, so I guess it's good I showed up.

For some Odd reason, I feel that setting up my voicemail isn't that important... Of course it might have to do with the fact that I know I'm leaving, and my boss doesn't. Damn 2 week notifications.

Anyway, I am back on my "wanting to write" stick, but am yet somehow distracted by other things(final fantasy).

I hope Amidy had a nice time on her birthday weekend. I didn't get out much cause of the snow.

check you guys later-

Saturday, January 26, 2002

Mmm.... The Weekend:)

Had another "all nighter" last night, that is, I went to sleep around 6am after playing Final Fantasy all night long. Then got up at 12:30 and played until like 2 when I ate. It started snowing around 3:10 and kevin and I went and saw Orange County. Not as funny as I was hoping, but it was kinda a feel good movie I guess.

So I don't know the point where I became cynical of movies.... (saw a preview for some shitty looking movie about a kid that gets a watch that speeds up the user) I mean, I'm thinking that I wouldn't even go to that movie if someone paid me, well, maybe if they were paying me to write a review of it, so I could stop other people from seeing it.

*sigh* oh well,

On the other hand, we(kevin, Jarred, and I) watched Buckaroo Banzai last night. That was a funny ass movie. Probably would have enjoyed it better drunk, but you can only be drunk so much;)

Hmm... speaking of which, I haven't spoken to my girls in awhile. (probably cause they found out that I call them my girls:)) Plus, I've been working nonstop and all that shit:P

Gotta bug the Volt lady about videogames again this week. Gotta work on my resume tomorrow.


Friday, January 25, 2002

So, when I got home last night, I go out to get the mail and I hear this "hissing" coming from my car. So it turns out that it's my left rear tire. I moved it down to the bottom of the driveway(flat part in the road). So this morning I get to change the tire and take it to discount tires again. (note: see wednesday for the last time I had to go to discount tires to fix a flat)

Why can't seattle have streets that don't eat my tires? I mean it, it's like every God Damn place I go in this city, there's fuckin potholes everywhere.

in logical progression(in tim thought anyway) I AM anal about spelling. I keep on bugging the receptionist about the copier tracking sheet that read "Lazer printer". I mean really, fucking Z's in Laser? It's that kind of shit that pisses me off:) Also, have i told you like how I work with these people that couldn't spell their way out of a bag? Like my boss, he's always mispelling shit, and then he can't write anything that anyone could read. People are all asking each other, "WHAT THE FUCK is THAT word?"

this concludes my rantings for right now:) I gotta go change a tire...

Thursday, January 24, 2002

and now we're down to 100 KB left... :) You check the time stamps:)

So I quit typing and the damn thing stopped, but now it's going again. Stupid computer. Just about to hit the half way mark.

There, did you feel it?

I did, and boy, did it feel good:)

(Never mind the dork behind the controls folks, he's just a bit sleepy)

So today, it's Win2k Server, but it's still having network issues that seem to work when I'm connected to Blogger, but not when I'm not:P

Oh well, more fun for my peeps that read this shit I guess:) Fuckin, DSL/41minutes to install IE6, my ass

And the sad thing is you know, is that it SHOULD be faster. I mean it wouldn't be so bad if you thought it was supposed to take this long. I mean this shit on any other computer in the office only took like 5-10 minutes. But here, on this POS, I'm stuck with 37 minutes left:P

Oh well, at least it means I'll type more;) I'm going to Squish and Dan's on the 12th if anyone wants to come. They said to invite you:) (ok, they only named 2, but I'm sure they're cool with meeting new peeps;)) Also, they got a house, so there should be enough room for us all.

Well, it's true, the more I type the faster it goes. So, I'm now also downloading, this piece of spam shit that my boss paid for. That's actually been my entire job over the past 2 days. Get a computer that he can Terminal Service into and set up that program on....

The sad thing, the program is downloading at 83 KB/sec, the fuckin IE6 more like 10KB/sec:P

You'd think MS, being across the lake as it is would be faster, but NOoooOOOOoooo, poop on them:)

Jeopardy theme song... "Do do do do Do Do Doooo, Do do do do DO, do do do do do...."

Would somebody please STOP THE INSANITY????!?!?!?!



Wednesday, January 23, 2002

I would like to take this moment and let Amidy know that her blogger takes WAY WAY WAY too fucking long to load.

also, the update seems to be going faster when I'm logged into blogger, so I'm gonna continure to type till it gets done... :)

basically, now I'm the guy at work everyone comes to to get shit done. A computer breaks, ask Tim, the internet goes down, ask Tim. There's a pregnant lady giving birth in the lobby, ask tim. :)

hehehe, OK so the damn thing stopped again. Windows update sucks, when it gets stuck. And another thing, we lose internet connectivity here, way too damn much. Like at least once a week now.

FUCKER, it got stuck at 964, AGAIN!!!!

Now, I'm a grumpy grape. :(

ok, so this computer is dumb ass slow. and I can't fiugre out why.

It takes an hour to download, a 2 meg file over a dsl line? Stupid ass computer:P

anyway, as long as this update doesn't crash again, I'll be happy.

Check ya-

Another DAy, another 9000 drachma...
Well, I'm losing air in my right front tire, so I have to go to discount tires today. it'll be a nice break from the monotony of rebuilding this damn computer:)

catch you latah-

Tuesday, January 22, 2002

daria is dead:(

I forgot to mention it last night after I watched the end of daria. This is sad.

Check out this article on MSN

weird ass dreams

So it all starts out that I'm going to a movie(weird;)) Anyway, we get to the place the movie was playing(it was an old movie, so it wasn't playing at a theater. Turns out, it's playing at the charismatic, non-denominational church that I went to during my fomative years. (aka 6 - 13) Anyway, I get there and there's some typical seattle people hanging out for when the shows gonna start. (shows gonna start at like 7pm and it's only like 4) (I figure the movie is pretty popular with people getting there so early)

Anyway, I go talk to some girls and take a drag off their roach, then I'm like I'll be back. So I head for the church and I see this girl that I used to like back in HS. And I'm like, what're you doing here, what's going on.... blah blah blah, and she's heading into the church so I follow her. Well, it turns out that there's a service going on right now, and I'm like, what the fuck, might as well. So I follow her in and sit in the back, half facing away from the preacher.

Well, basically, I sit through the service and am about to leave and go chill withh those girls before the show. But as I'm leaving, I pass my mom (in my old kitchen, which of course was never in that church building, but somehow ended up there in a dream?!?!) And she's like, the movie's not playing tonight. And I'm like, "C'mon mom, everyone is here to see it", and she's like "No, I'm making diner and Fred is coming over to catch up on old times" (now the thing is, Fred was like this guy that my mom found solace with right after my dad left, in like 1980, so it's not like I even remember the guy, and what is he doing in my dream?)

So I go outside and tell all these peeps that the movie's not going to be shown, and they're all sad. But then later I gave oral pleasures to that girl who I smoked with... and then my alarm went off.

Quite a night for the old Tim:)

Monday, January 21, 2002

well, I'm a 4.7 on hot or not .com :( C'est la vie.

I'm drunk again. After "BRotherhood of the wolf" today at 5:30 Corry(our new roommate) and me went out. We went to Hooters and McCormicks and Paragon and Pesos. Needless to say I had a lot to drink. Basically, I told Corry to take off saturdays so we could go to bars on hopping nights, but that's not going to happen.

Also, Cahlen is a mother fucker. He gets FFX yesterday, then he takes it home with him today. Basically, I hate him:P

I'm tired and my teeth feel funny:)
Check you latah-

Thursday, January 17, 2002

And the whole world loves it when you sing the blues, bah, bop bop, ba da

Sorry, just been listening to a little Outkast recently;)

So yeah, I've been working my ass off, I guess it has to do with the fact that I'm leaving, but also, ALL the shit I've gotten assigned to me. My coworker is complaing cause he doesn't want me leaving him with the boss from hell, but I'm moving to greener pastures.
I got to work at 7 yesterday, and I'm shooting for 8 today:P UGh, I'm gonna go in late on friday I think.

Anyway, Hope you are all having a good time. Check you latah-

Wednesday, January 16, 2002

Sorry for being silent the last week n a half or so. I've been working my ass off!!!

Saturday, January 05, 2002

Another weekend....

Well, I'm working on this beautiful saturday afternoon. We got a new roommate, Cory. He's cool. It's all mundane work, but I like the fact that I don't have to think, I can just print and stack. Print and stack.

Watched Twin peaks first 4 episodes last night. Very interesting show.

Well, back to the daily grind:)

Tuesday, January 01, 2002

I am the candy man:)

Well, really happy new years now. :) So, I partied at eric's last night. That means that we drank lots, but I think this cold is fucking with me or something because I swear I can't get really drunk anymore. It's kinda sad for me really:( I mean if I get drunk it's for like 5 minutes.

Anyway, I have to drive cliff to issaquah in like 20 to get his car. We decided to car pool back to our house after cliff was drunk. It was cool, we went the speed limit the whole way and didn't have any problems.

I got an email from MS yesterday and they want me to play videogames for them again, to which I'm pretty sure that I'm going to say yes to. I mean it's videogames and room for promotion, whereas this job that I have now is like, no room for growth, but you can put down a kickass job title if you want:P

Well, after drinks, cards and xbox at Erics we came back here and talked with the Kelley, Justin, Amidy, Jebe and Kevin. Which was fun, but we stayed up till 4:30 and now it's 12:12 and I have to drive cliff to his car to get to work on time. He's all hung over:(

But I'm listening to Aqua, so everything is dum de da de da:)

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
honey is sweet,
but not as sweet as you:)