Sunday, September 30, 2001

Hi, this is Cliff and I am writing my first blogger input.

I talked to a manager at Taco Bell the other night and found that the Grilled Stuffed Burrito is the hardest thing that they make. Also, the quesadilla is one of the easiest things to make.

I hope that clears up some confusion.

in case you were wondering it's 10pm

So, CAhlen has been trying to break into my account so that he can "talk" for me....

I wonder why he would want to do that:)

Fuck off CAhlen

Saw zoolander tonight... It's pretty funny, in a dumb sort of way:)

Saturday, September 29, 2001

We went and saw "Don't say a word" last night (we got there too late to see zoolander)

I felt this movie was really good, and I liked it, 1.5 thumbs up by Tim


well, I got to sleep in today, my only day off in the past 2 weeks:) So, I got my car in for it's 15000 mile checkup at 12:30 today:) Woohoo!!! Maybe I'll be having subway for lunch... that'd be delish... Also, I think I'm gonna pick up silent hill 2 today. Supposed to be really scary... AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!:)

well, it's almost time for lunch... Peace out:)

Tim why do you insist on making these things up? Give it up dude...

in other "other" news, acording to the manager at Tacobell, the hardest thing to make is the Grilled Stuffed burrito, followed closely by the supreme pizza...

The quesadilla, he said, is rather easy to make by comparison

Friday, September 28, 2001

In other news, my sister is getting ready to ship out at the end of october:(

I was visiting some sites tonight and thought the guys out there might like to visit this website. Which is the site of the girl that plays the main vulcan on the new start trek show "Enterprise"

please wipe drool up when you are done...

Kevin's been doing some desktop customization and last night I found this website which is pretty cool

knowing that I'll be hitting the snooze button at least one time tomorrow morning reminds me of this morning...

My alarm clock ("my cell phone") has a 6 minute snooze button, which is the stupidest thing I've heard of yet....
Take this morning for instance, I wake up at 7:20 to my alarm and hit snooze("I don't actually have to be on the road until about 8:15 or so and it only takes me about 15 minutes to get ready in the morning"), well at 7:26 when I'm about to fall asleep again, right at the point of losing consciousness, it goes off again.... I mean how annoying is that? So I hit the snooze again and history repeats itself at 7:32... I hate this snooze button soooooo bad.... Maybe it's time I took my regular alarm clock back from Cahlen

In other news, I've decided to Add Psycho to our list on the left side, cause I hate trying to go down half a page to find out the URL for her site

hmm... Tenacious D was on "The Daily Show" tonight:) Those 2 guys crack me up:)

Also, Can anyone tell I'm prone to mood swings? hmm... interesante...
random thoughts de Tim:)

Thursday, September 27, 2001

So, now a lesson on cussing...

If you don't make a big deal out of it, it won't be a big deal, although sometimes I think maybe I should curve my cussing skills...

But then sometimes people really piss me off, and my feeling can't really be better expressed than, "You shit ass motherfucker!"

Hmm... are there any words that maybe I could make cuss words? Like "hankering"... hmm...

Speaking of hankering... I've had a hankering for Thai food a lot recently... and it's been like 15 days since my last thai fix, and I want to have like 3 different thai dishes which means I have to go 3 times to the thai restaurant... I tell you my palate is insatiable:)

People don't say "hankering" any more, how weird is that? also, why do people no longer say, "2 legit, 2 legit 2 quit"?

mmm... Hammer:)

Whoa, stupid dryer...

Well Big A, I'm glad you're still with us:) In other news, Amidy sent me this link

I think that I like saying the word "Fuck" a lot... cause I find that I can offend some conservative types, and I like to offend conservative types...

maybe secretly I'm an asshole;-P

So I almost killed myself today. I was messing around with a plug for the dryer (after moving it), and so I plugged it in (the chord wasn't connected to anything). Needless to say, there was one big zap sound, and some burned piece of metal fell on my hand. But I'm still alive, and a little wiser for the wear.

Anyways... back to watching tough enough.

subconsciously, I think the thing I fear the most is that a girl might actually fall for me... It seems as soon as I think someone might like me, I do everything I can think of to get them to not like me like that(aka love?)

How fucked up is that? I mean when you combine it with the fact that I long for intimate contact... It just doesn't make sense. My subconscious only foils me...

I said T.E. yo, but that's besides the point...

So, I woke up this morning.

That's all.

TR's? is that like a TE?

I woke up with a blue fro this morning... For some reason my hair has gotten to a length where it feels like it wants to sit up and say hello to everything... who am I to argue with my hair?

In other news- I am delighted with the new star trek series "enterprise". I feel it had a good opener and enjoyed it very much. (Especially the oiling part:))

Well, off to work...

So I was reading this book at work. It's a pretty good one about some dude who gets T.E.'s. Tim recommended it to me. I just thought it would be interesting to note that this guy has a split personality and the bad-ass is called Francois. Francois is a French name, as is another name we're all familiar with: Pierre. Did I mention Tim recommended this book to me?

And now for something completely different... Sasquatch is real....

Now, can I tell you guys that no matter how many people I meet, the human condition always amazes me.... Artists consistently impress me, stupid people consistently stupify me, and bloggers always interest me... (well usually anyway)

This one time I read this one blog(I don't really remember it) but then I was like "who are these people and what are they talking about" and then I was like I dunno and now I've forgotten about em except how I wrote this blog about them.

Wednesday, September 26, 2001

In other news-
Yes Travis I think that Tenacious D did have a sitcom, I think... but I never saw it:(

In other news- I hate my CD burner. 30% of the time it ends up as a coaster:P

This is unacceptable, Cest la vie....

Well, I got my first email from someone who actually reads our shiznit!!!

Woohoo, our first fan:)

Random emails are the bestest:) Especially when you randomly find out that your personal thoughts may be of someone else's interests:)

So what books are for Tim, DVD's are for me. I was at Border's with Tim on Monday, and spent far too little time browsing the DVD section, but I did find a lot of stuff I wanted. Then I had to go to Freddies tonight, and found even more. And then I checked the net to find out that Moulin Rouge comes out Dec 18, in a super special edition, and it's in a box set with Strictly Ballroom and a new special edition of Romeo + Juliet. Woo hoo! Too many dvd's, too little time (and money). Why I didn't just major in film studies and become a critic instead of getting a stupid computer science degree, I'll never know :)

Lessee... it's almost moving day, just a bit more cleaning to do and I'm out of this crazy temporary living situation. Woo hoo! A new apartment (still in Lovely, Downtown Monroe *roll eyes*). At least it'll be our place instead of someone else's house.

On a sports note... how about them San Diego Chargers! Woo hoo! 2-0! (for those who don't know, but are actually wondering why the SD Chargers, I've been a fan for 20+ years, ever since I saw them beat the Seahawks by like 40 points or something way back when).

And for those who don't regularly contribute to this site (or are not listed in the links) who actually read this stuff and write to us, what the hell is wrong with you? :) I mean, um, thanks.

To go along with that post about books earlier... Monday, I went into a "Borders" and was like, "I want this book and this book and this book, and dammit they're out of this book that I also want to get". Then yesterday 2 books I order from Amazon finally arrived to be added to the pile of books to read. And then today, I got my advertisement from SFBC and was like, I want this book and that book and....

You get the idea, I need to stop reading so damn much:)

Amidy: No. Steve made "Rye and Ginger" last night. Basically it's 50% rye whiskey(Wild Turkey) and 50% ginger ale. Then top with a twist of lime:)

It was a good drink, and only took me 3 tall glasses to create the wonderful posts you saw below... but it might have been 4, I lost count after 2:)


That's why I loved twilight zone, they were always about the "be careful what you wish for" things:)

Cahlen, you SO have to get your own blog. This shit is too good, it needs its own home.

Tim you remind me of a twilight zone episode where there's this dude who really likes to read. He is sad, though, because he is so busy he never can. But one time when he was in the bank vault a bunch of bombs go off and kill EVERYONE. He comes out and is like, "What they hey?" Then he walks around and sees all these books laying on the street and he realizes this is where the library was. And then he's like, "Cool dude!", because now he can read forever and no one can bother him. You know what happens next? The stupid idiot breaks his glasses and he's like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Sad story eh? So be careful Tim...

Also, for those concerned, I found the CD

December 19th.... if only it were tomorrow...

In other movie news... Zoolander comes out on friday... I want to see that one good:)

"What is this? A school for ants? How are the children supposed to learn how to read if they can't even fit through the doors?"


I think I'm addicted to buying/reading books... If I had my life to live as I please, I may very well have chosen to just read. If I retire, I imagine I'll mostly be reading... well back to reading:)

hmm... I'm feeling better now:)

I still love Tenacious D:) Well, work is going well... There was some stuff I wanted to talk about but now my lunch is over:( Amd i don't think I could remember anyway:(

Check you guys latah

And now I have to live with my CD on the florr, cause it just fgell there, and now I can't find it cause it's dark

don't worry, this is still drunk tim,

I just realized how random my last blog was, but then I realized I was drunk, so you all we're expecting much...

BTW- Jack Black is the bestest in forever, in other news, I don't think I can spell when I'm drunk... these may seem like totally tangible paragraphs, but also, I love Tenacious D:)

Hello- This is drunk tim:)

I am listening to Tancaious D

It rocks:)

Also, Steve got me drunk tonight:) He is bad:) And then kevin put a donut down my pants. I did not think that was appropriate. But maybe tomorrow I will forget everything about it, except how I have this blog now to remind me. Also, my teeth are numb, this is my best:) And I think my lips are numb too, but I can't tell to sure. Well, I guess I need sleep, after all I am lopsided as I post this post.

Good night

Tuesday, September 25, 2001

Hey everybuddy

So work has been weird. I guess we're not working OT again for a while, which I just don't get. First they say we're working all the OT we can, then they say no more OT. I just wish they'd make up their minds. It's tough to get into a normal routine when your schedule seems to change everyday. On a bit of a side note, my lead can be kinda weird sometimes. Like Saturday morning, I forogot to shut my web browser after I checked my hotmail account before work, and he's all giving me some inquisition about having a web browser open while I am working. Then yesterday my co-worker had a web site open while working and nary a word said by the lead. Of course, this is the co-worker who the lead always goes to lunch with and carpools with. Draw your own conclusions. It's just wierd to have a lead who acts all cool one day towards you, and then acts all superboss the next. Argh. At least I'm enjoying the game I'm working on a bit more.

Anyhowie.... this weekend is moving time, so the temporary living situation is almost over! Finally!

Time for sleep.

The other night when we got Top Foods chinese food. The asked for my "secret code" at the ATM pay thing. I liked how they said "secret code" cause it made me feel like I had a secret that no one else could know. I felt like a spy:) Anyway, I think they should all say "secret code" instead of PIN number, that way I can feel like a spy all the time:)

In other news, I foiled Kevin.... Midi sound level is now set to 0:)

and now to the great news, I got my starbucks this morning. Can I just sing the praises of this wonderful system? I get there and there's my coffee:) I hear people whisper amongst themselves ("How did he do that?") It's like I'm superman and I have kevin to thank for that. You and your company are da ant:)

PS - Steve is in town tonight....

Monday, September 24, 2001

on a side note: On my way home tonight there was a light fog. And it's not like the heavy fog, I could see just fine.

Anyway, I love the fog like that. It adds an air of mystery to the world. I think we need more mystery in the world. It was like i could see the edges of the world, but I could never get there.


My Bisnitch is the Shiznit, by Tenacious D is the bomb:)

hmm... I wonder why my blog isn't blocked by SPU? I mean really, I have said Fuck and shit on here before....
Maybe it will be blocked now... I guess if it is, someone could email me about it
But then how would they know to email me?

Anyway, I gotta shower cause I'm sweaty from racquetball, check you latah....

hmm... maybe CAhlen and I are thinking of different people, cause evidentally there are more than 2 people named pierre in this world....

hmm... weird

BTW, tell your dog hi for me:)

All this talk about a dog... wow. Who knew you guys could actually speak to the animals. Maybe you should become vetranarians or something.

I actually didn't have to work OT today, so I'm just chillin waitin for Tim to go hang out for a bit. Woo hoo! Unfortunately, I'll be doing tons of OT for the next couple of weeks, so my one whole break will probably be moving on Saturday. Fun times.

What the hell is SFS? ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, wait, I get it. nevermind.

Noich noich noich.

Snoochie Boochies. Who the hell says Snoochie boochies? That's like baby talk or something.

BTW - I spoke with Pierre as well...

I asked him what he thought about Timmay and him saying that he was French and had all sorts of women after him and all, and you know what he refused to talk and in fact looked a little confused. I think he was interested in the bacon I had in my hands. It's beyond me how Tim got all that stuff out of him when all I could get was a "ruff". Pierre is so cute...

umm... not me...
Cahlen is the one who is the ball licker

So, I finally got to register for classes. It's been close before, but I don't think I've ever done the day of classes. After I paid the outrageous amount, including the extra account interest charge, I came back to my apartment and tried to register, only the hold wasn't removed. How annoying. I was about to condemn SFS to some extra dimensional void, but then I called the girl who was helping me and she fixed it.

Raise your hand if you like SFS..... Anybody? Anybody?

And shaggy.

That's Jules Pierre to you buddy! And he's only dirty most of the time.

Pierre = Dirty Cockerspaniel

BTW- I spoke with Pierre...

1st he's mad at Cahlen for inferring he is a dog. But when I asked him about his name vs. upbringing he explained it as so...

"My dad is a french international banker. He fell in love with my mother on a vacation to Sicily. They had a passionate love affair and I am named after him. They had to remain apart mostly until I was 5 when he brought us to live with him in the US."

So that's Pierre's story...

I guess that's good cause I hear french people are stuck up, but in my opinion it was the Spaniards that were the one's that were stuck up....

I just remembered that my family's dog's name is Pierre.

And now for something completely different- I woke up at 6:45 today, which means I got about 9 hours sleep. I have a feeling this might throw off my entire day:( Oh, but I do get to play racquetball tonight with Kevin:)

So as you may or may not have heard/understood from kevin, I went to bed at 9 something last night. Needless to say, I needed that. I found that I was starting to do things that I usually only do when I am drunk....

Anyway, to answer kevin's bitching question("Don't worry Kev, I didn't take it personally"). I think we tend to complain when... a) we're bored b) we don't know what we're doing c)have really stupid management d) have a job. If anyone of these things is true, you're most likely not doing the thing you'd be choosing to do for 8 hours on a given day. Like take sleep for instance, I know an individual (perhaps 2) that loves to sleep almost all weekend:) Now preferably this individual would stay up all night surfing the internet and working on projects, unfortunately said individual has a job and therefore can't stay up till all hours of the night(although he does)

In other words, Bitching comes with a job:)

In other news, Travis is a bitch:)

Sunday, September 23, 2001

I think Tim's been watching Fried Green Tomatoes or something again, with all this wrapped in Saran Wrap stuff. Anyways...

so I haven't written anything in here for a while, but I don't really have anything to write. I must lead one of the most boring lives of anyone on the planet or something. It's scary sometimes. What can I say though, when you only have 1 day off a week, and you just spend your day resting. Maybe I should just move to Japan for a while or something :)

Oh, and it's nice to see you posting again, Dejah.

hmm... work:(

So today was another boring day in the whole game playing world. I played for about 6 hours today. I'm ready for a day off. (5 days and counting down) I'm just tired all the time. I did get my CCR the other day. They're on Vinyl and I'm loving them, when I get to Cahlen's room to listen to them. Maybe I should sleep more, I think I'm falling asleep right now.

hmm... SPU starts tomorrow which means I have had some friends move back to seattle:) It's good to see friends.

Speaking of which, Steve's back in town which is always a whirlwind of drinking and partying:) Also, there's another guy I know coming up from portland this week...

well, good night, and Trav, I'm serious dude, don't you be fallin for my girl...

Yeah, I saw a guy today. I said hi to him because I knew who he was. But he already has a girlfriend. Too bad.

What's this about saran wrap?

In other news, I saw a girl today, but I didn't know her and I didn't say hi to her. In fact there's really no reason to mention it, I mean besides the fact that I still haven't gotten laid:)

Speaking of which, I talked to Cahlen and he said that Kelley did not come over here today in saran wrap. I mean really, what's up with that kelley? Well, it's way past my bed time.

Saturday, September 22, 2001

Also, you can now email pierre personally and he'll get back to you as soon as he's available at Email Pierre

k now I'm getting jealous of Travis and how he's quoting my girl. If he wants to throw down, I'm here:)

JK, I did feel a pang of jealousy to think that someone might be falling for my girl....

Also, it turns out I registered for my friend pierre, he's a little pissed about that, but I don't know what to tell him, except maybe, unwelcome hero is almost maybe even better than unwanted hero, and who knows pierre someday one of our friends may get that site:)

Umm... yeah... I call bullshit

Also, did anyone else notice how cahlen's low on avoidant is red? Maybe someone doctored the text so that it read low, but could not change the color of the text.... hmmm...

Hey Tim, I figured I should go ahead and post my results because I have nothing to hide...


-- Click Here To Take The Test --

Mwa ha ha, I'm perfectly normal what's wrong with you guys? (How does this HTML stuff work again?) lB^)

I am afraid....

Also, Kevin and I went to dinner(Cafe Veloce, wonderful food, 4 stars by Tim) and a movie(the musketeer, do not see this movie unless you are looking for a laugh) for a belated bday thing. I had fun:)

In other news, I'm still a virgin and Jebe I don't care if it lives up to the hype, I just want to get it out of the way:)

PS - I don't really just want to get it out of the way. But I do want to get it:)

hmm... Just got done listening to some Creedance Clearwater Revival. It conjurs images of weekends with dad(the smell of his house, the kitchen on saturday morning when the light would come in through the window, driving with my step mom)

It reminds me of little tim., aka pierre. Happily living oblivious to all that goes on in the adult world. No bills, no worris, just normal schizotypal Tim:)

PS- Cahlen is avoidant, which is probably why he didn't tell you himself... (True story, he told me that he took the test and is avoidant, when asked to post it, he said, "no way")

Also, it's interesting that he has a job as a security guard where he has little interaction with people. (it's a night time gig, in case you didn't know)

Friday, September 21, 2001

Umm... Mary, I think Pierre really wants to kick this guys ass. In fact, I know he does

last time I took this, I was only moderate on schizoid and schizotypal:)

I guess it's confirmed I'm schizotypal:)


-- Click Here To Take The Test --

dammit, I can't even spell saran right... Argh, and after you all know how anal I am about spelling. Sometimes, I just could kick myself, but then I realize I'm not that flexible:) (ok I am that flexible)

Also, Pierre thinks he would like to kick someones ass, and in the middle of the ass kicking say, "And call me pierre dammit"....

dammit, I can't change other peeps posts. Oh well, sorry Tim.

I know, I'll fix Tim's spelling of "Saran" wrap.

Kevin here, posting to Tim's blog for the first time. Okay, apparently that's all I have to say.

So, I was just sitting here reading kevin's post thingy, and I tried to hit F5 for refresh, but I accidentally hit one of the many keys above my keyboard(web/home) and all of a sudden I was at my home page. I was like umm, what happened?!?!?. Well, it turns out all those keys actually work. I had no idea. It's like I just got a new toy:) No money down, no payments ever:)

pogo pogo pogo pogo pogo pogo pogo pogo pogo pogo pogo pogo

also, I'm still addicted to reading, here's a list of things to come(in order, I think):
The Last Unicorn(Now)
Soul Survivor: How my faith survived the church
The Boy
Star Wars: Darth Maul
Star Wars: Cloak of Deception
Year's Best Sci-fi No.6
His dark materials

Plus I have one more Martian Tales that I still am trying to read...
and a book about vikings that aaron has

Thursday, September 20, 2001

Umm... also, I am LOVING "system of a down". I don't know but I think they have a lot of good points, plus it gets my blood moving:)

on a side note(to Jebe, Kelley, Amidy, Mary) it appears that sunday hero went to middle and high school with Deanna Wright who plays "Kay" on passions...

hmm... on second thought, if you are one of those girls talked about below, I'm sure cahlen would be happy to entertain you:)

So now Kevin and Craig are in my room playing GT3... Craig had not seen it and did not know what the fuss was about.

Damn, damn, I really want to watch the daily show from last night, but no one has it:( Soak Kelley, I didn't think you were really mad at me, I just wanted everyone who reads this to think you were:) (oops, now will you really be mad at me?)

Also, I am working this weekend, so if any girls who read this site that I don't know about were planning on showing up at my house sometime saturday or sunday afternoon dressed only in syran wrap, you'll have to wait until evening or do it next saturday. (is that a run on sentence?) hmm...

Just remember, as one of our friends so eloquently put it: "you don't have to be dating to be sexually unfrustrated." Now, "go be productive in bed." :)

so, my meeting went well tonight, no new work for tim:)

Also, to the amazement of all that know him, Kevin (You know my roommate, who's birthday it is today) has started his own Blog:) It kinda brings a tear to my eye:)

In other news, I still haven't gotten laid:)


So evidentally Jon Stewart and the daily show were hilarious tonight, but my mom called right at the beginning and wouldn't let me watch it. So now I'll never know and now I think Kelley might be mad at me:(

Also, I was thinking, I am really sexually frustrated almost to a point of actually pursuing sex. Not quite to the point of actually pursuing sex, but it seems that I cannot live in this state of sexual frustration forever. I mean, I want someone to return the ball:)

Another thing I find interesting is that the peeps that read this thing. Like there's people I talk to who've I've mentioned the site to and then they tell me later that they find it interesting:) (or at least that they read it, they don't really say it's interesting)

Also important news tonight. I've registered and

The timsadventures will be the site for normal tim, and the unwantedhero will be for alter ego tim(or as I like to call him, John)

well, check you later

Tuesday, September 18, 2001

Dude.... I'd say let's go do something Saturday, but then I'm probably going to be working that day anyway (just til 5 though).

Work, it can be fun, and suck at the same time. It's great to have a job and all, especially one where I'm just working on testing games, but when it sucks away all your life, it can be kind of annoying. oh well, I'm just glad I have a job.

So I don't have anything else to say, I can't help it, my brain is broken.

so, I don't think I'm a very good teacher... I was trying to get jebe's supergreg picture to link by telling her about the onclick=location.href thingy, but then it didn't work and she had to call her parents.

So now I feel bad cause I don't know what's wrong with it and I may have had her break it accidentally:(

Oh my goodness: it works now:) I guess she figured it out:) YAY! I love when links work:)

Sorry for cunfusing you jebe!

So I was reading Jebe's posts right now, and then I clicked refresh and like a book appeared. I couldn't understand most of the words in the "post" but it seemed to be something to do with medical stuffs.

Well, now I'm waiting for cliff to get home so we can play video games or something.

I started reading "The last unicorn" today. The jury is still out on this one. It gets right to the subject right away, which is good, but.... I don't know.

Anyway, I got asked to work saturday today, so I have to decide if I'm gonna do that. (Notice: if you want to do something on saturday, tell me tonight, otherwise I'll probably work) I said I'd find out tonight and get back to my boss tomorrow. It's a fun job that I'm enjoying, I just don't know if I can work 13 days straight.

It's especially difficult when I don't get to bed before midnight....

Monday, September 17, 2001

In other news-
Cliff is home now... He and hannah pulled up as we were going out to get TacoBell. So now we're listening to his ("How I heard about the WTC terrorist attack") well, time for bed...

So cliff and hannah are back in the us-

They're supposed to get in at 10:30am tomorrow. So I think I'll not be having a meeting with mean company:P They only want to harrass me anyway.

well, I gotta eat and sleep.... mmmm sleep good

So I finally finished my book, "Youth in revolt" and decided to give you a couple of quotes that I enjoyed from the book.

"THURSDAY, December 31, New Year's Eve - Consider, if you will, the morning boner. What a metaphor of hope and renewal! How can anyone give way to despair when one's groin greets each new day with such a gala spectacle of physiological optimism? And what an anotommical prod to philosophical contemplation on the final day of the year" pg. 493 - Youth in Revolt, C.D. Payne

And now I can't remember the other quotes I wanted to share:( Well, Cliff is supposed to come back tonight(cross my fingers)

Check you guys latah

Argh in my eye!!!!

Today, I reformatted(after spending 7 hours at work) and then realized I failed to back up my messages:( I have it backed up from 2 weeks ago, but I archived almost all the messages from the past 2 weeks and then forgot to save the archive:(

So, now I have no written record of my emails....

Hold on, Thank God for "Deleted items" folder on hotmail. All of my stuff I "moved" to archives is still waiting to be deleted. I copied it back to my archives folder:)

It's 1:15 I need to go to bed:)

Sunday, September 16, 2001

Yes, CAhlen, remember all those girls you talked to during school? Or lack there of....

In other news- Kevin got done talking to Austin who said that his "friend" has another apartment and that he hasn't been staying here for 2 weeks, but that he would introduce him and that he would do the dishes today(sunday).

I haven't heard from cliff or hannah since thursday. :( Hopefully they're on their way home...

I have a problem talking to girls? Where did that come from? Oh and you forgot, it's CAhlen to you Tim.

Saturday, September 15, 2001

argh, confrontation!!!!

CAhlen and kevin and I finally confronted austin about his turn to do the dishes, but now it's our fault for ganging up on him. Also, Kevin is now confronting him about his roommate.

more later...

I don't know...

So CAhlen has this issue with talking to girls that I think we should confront for him. An intervention if you will:)

Although, I'm not one to talk. I mean I talk to females fine, and all that, I just can't start a "relationship" with one.

Anyway, it's time to go out to see rockstar, sorry for giving you a bad time CAhlen:)

Friday, September 14, 2001

Ok, now for life on the lighter side, just for a moment, as I'm getting sick of getting these stupid hints from this dumb crush thing on email (see the archives if you missed the earlier rant). I'm enlisting all of you to help me out, as I don't know who to guess, and I only know of 3-4 females who actually know my email address (2 of whom are related to me, and the other 2 didn't do this crush thing). Here are the hints:
1. the first name is 5 characters long.
2. the last name is 4 or fewer long.
3. the first name begins with a letter between a and e
4. the email username is 8 or more characters long
5. the email account is not with
There. Any ideas? You'll get a special bonus if you can id them.

I saw a dude at the entrance to the freeway waving and holding a sign saying "I don't hate Arabs"


You gotta love the crazy people who think they need to attack anyone who looks like they might be islamic. I'm speaking mostly of the dumb idiot who attacked a mosque in Seattle yesterday. Why can't stupid white americans realize that just because someone is a muslim it doesn't mean that they're a terrorist? Just like back in the 40's when just because someone was a japanese-american didn't mean they were all spies for Japan? Hello? Are we all still that stupid?

well, cliff's stuck in spain for the time being. Live moves on.

What is going on? 10 people arrested for knives and hijacking material. Thank God we caught them. I do not understand this.

The amazon ticker for money to go to red cross is steadily climbing. I can't complete my thoughts right now, I'm sorry.


Wednesday, September 12, 2001

So... now that life is moving on...

I still am listening to the news at work. This is depressing. I'm thinking of just listening to music tomorrow so that I don't get all teary eye'd and feel like a puss.

Now I'm gonna watch "Me, myself and Irene" for the first time in english...
I'll try and write more later

Also CAhlen, what are your feelings about tuesday's events?

(BTW, since I can't move my pinkie off the Shift key when I'm writing Cahlen he will now be known as CAhlen, thank you)

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

I waited all day to write something, I guess formulating thoughts/feelings etc. Nothing's changed. I'm angry. Really angry that someone would even attempt to do this to my country. I'm not always the biggest fan the way things are handled or done here, or the state that the USA is typically in, but something like this can turn me into an insta-patriot. I'm not all gung ho or anything, but I am really pissed off someone would take the cowardly route and attack us like this. God help us all at this time, and have mercy on those who will feel the wrath of this country.

Sorry about that...
someone just mentioned that it would be easy if you were the terrorist's to now call George and say look, meet our requests or we'll nuke you.

Anyway, We're watching MSNBC during work today. I hope everyone is having an ok day considering. I just get emotionally exhausted from news like this. I feel like crying for all those that've died and their families. But also I have work to do, so I can't.

Maybe this is too much info for you all...

Peace out-

hmm... nuclear war:(

... no thank you


Thing's like this "Attack on America" seem to make things like working seem pointless.

hmm... hope I'm not drafted

God bless the souls of those that are dead.

Monday, September 10, 2001

And now for insights from a 15 yr old...

boy: Mmm... disobedience...
girl: yeah, I know what you mean. This one time I snuck out, and it's not like it's hard to sneak out, and I think if they ever found out they'd freak out. But anyway, this one time, I was able to sneak out at like 10:20 and then we went to this guys house and he had one of those devil things that's really bad. You know that thing with the circle and the star?
boy: you mean a pentagram?
girl: yeah, that's it. Anyway, he made one of those and then put a candle on the inside and said to think about a questiong and if the flame spun in circles then the answer is yes, if it stays still it's no. Then this guy that his dad was always reading devil books started getting pissed at my (girl) friend. and my (girl)friend she was just praying to jesus and casting the demon down and claiming power over the devil. And then we left.
boy: weird, do you do this alot when you sneak out?
girl: no, it was just that one time. And I don't even know why we went there. But it was like we were there to protect my (guy)friend. You know the one that was getting pissed at my (girl) friend. He asked his dad later that week what religion he was, and his dad was like Christian. And he couldn't believe cause he thought his dad was a satanist cause of the devil books.
boy: that's weird. (*back to reading*)

real conversation this weekend at the boat drag races. (*weird*)

Cahlen and I were talking and we decided we just want a woman that can see past all the shit and love us for who we are:) (individually, not together)

hmm... crazy parents:) I want to sit down and write and tell you all about this weekend, but I need more than the 15 minutes I have now. Needless to say I'm going to hell, but then again so are most of my friends (at least according to my stepmom) :)

Also, I think Cahlen should switch to philosophy from psychiatry cause I think he would like it better:)

Sunday, September 09, 2001

Hey, there, if you want a personal blog get your own:) blog

as for me, I have plenty to write about this weekend, but it must at least wait till after dinner, or maybe even till tomorrow evening (*A look of shock goes over the crowd*)

Where the hell is everyone? This is turning into my own personal blog.

So, I went to Freddies today to do a little dvd shopping, and they had the Chasing Amy Criterion disk, so I had to get that. I read through the little booklet that came with it, and was surprised to see how personal a story this was for Kevin Smith. Wow. I think I like the movie even more now.

Anyways, back to shopping at Freddies. Is it just me, or do the suburban white kids who want to be ganstas make you laugh too? I almost couldn't help myself as there were 4 or 5 of them hanging around the cd's talkin shit about absolutely nothing in particular. It's almost too funny to hear these kids talk like something out of a movie or music video, because it's pretty obvious they've never experienced the lifestyle. The best was the kid in the big puffy coat and backwards hat, even though it was in the 70's today outside. I bet the kid was dying from the heat, but damn he looked cool. (for those who don't recognize my sarcasm, that was it at work). Oh well, at least it wasn't so bad when I went back later for groceries, as the hotties decided it was time to go shopping too. Who knew Monroe had a few good lookin women? Unbelievable.

I had to change some dumb light on my car today, talk about a pain in the ass. I had to practically take the whole back panel off of my car to get to the stupid light. Can they make it any harder (I really shouldn't be asking this)?

I need more AIM and MSN Messenger friends.... I haven't seen one person I know online all weekend. And given my wonderful Cell Phone reception at my temporary house (i.e. none, so I can't call anyone, or tell when someone has called me), I feel like I'm in some other country or something.

Oh well, at least the weekend's almost over. What the hell am I saying? Why do these 2 days go by so damn fast, when 2 days of work go by so slow, not to mention the whole 5 day thing. Oy.

Saturday, September 08, 2001

Wow, it really does look like I'm the only one here. Holy cow, Tim goes away for a weekend and no one posts here anymore. What's up with that?

Anywayhowie... I watched Ferris Bueller's Day Off again tongiht. What a fun movie. Life does move by too fast, so you better stop to enjoy it once in a while, ah the philosophy of Ferris (or the writing of John Hughes, who knows). At least I caught the trouser snake comment, and made a correlation to Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

Friday, September 07, 2001

Well well well, looks like I'm the only one left... oh wait, no Brak quotes for now.
Anyhowie... my weekend wasn't swallowed by the evil work monster, so now I have to figure out what I'm going to do to occupy myself for 2 days. I'll probably just read, or watch a movie or 2, who knows. I just need to do something to get outta the house for a while. I strongly dislike temporary living situations, especially ones where I have no cell phone reception at home.

So anyway, I got to drive fast for once tonight. It's so nice to get out on the freeway with just enough traffic to keep things interesting, and drive 75-80 mph. I had so much fun. Then I got home...

In response to Cahlen's book plagerism, I just thought I'd say that the last time I checked, you are born amongst people. There are at least 2 people present at your birth, if you count yourself (and probably 4 or more if you're born in a hospital in the US). So to say that we are born alone is kinda dumb. Now, I can give you the whole die alone thing, as more often than not, no one is around when you expire. I only made it through the first couple of lines of that stuff, so that's all I can think of to write about it :)

Now I'm just rambling, but I can't help it, nothing is flowing as freely as it did during dinner chat. Oh well... G'night!

ahhh... it's good to have Cahlen back:)

And now for an exercise in futility:
So I think one of the things that is most futile that almost everyone does, is comb one's hair.
And what I think is even more ridiculous is the fact that people want their hair to stay a certain way. This crack's me up cause it's like a personal war on your 1,000,000 hairs. It's like, no I will tell you where to go and you will stay there.

Don't get me wrong I don't think people should stop combing their hair, I just think they should not freak out if it gets messed up:)

So I was reading this weird book. It has some strange ideas, but some really interesting parts. And because I am so bored sitting here at work I am going to type one of these "cool" parts down. If you are thinking even for moment that you have no desire to read this, then ARG IN YOUR EYE. Read it anyway, I know where you sleep. (That was really intimidating wasn't it? No... at least humorous, you at least gotta give me that. You didn't even laugh? Not even a chuckle? You suck....)

Note: The time is 4:17 A-freakin-M, nuf sed

"Man is born alone and dies alone, but between these two points he lives in society, he lives with others. Aloneness is his basic reality; soceity is just accidental. And unless man can live alone, can he know his aloneness in its total depth, he cannot be acquainted with himself. All that happens in society is just outer; it is not you, it is just your relations with others. You remain unknown. From the outside you cannot be revealed.
But we live with others. Becasue of this, self-knowledge is completely forgotten. You know something about yourself, but indirectly - it is said to you by others. It is strange, absurd, that others should tell you about yourself. Whatsoever identity you carry is given to you by others; it is not real, it is just labeling. A name is given to you. That name is given as a label because it is difficult for society to be related to a nameless person. Not only is the name given, the very image that you think yourself to be is given by society: that you are good, that you are bad, that you are beautiful, that you are intelligent, that you are moral, a saint, or whatever. the image, the form, is also given by society, and you don't know what you are. Neither you name reveals anything, nor the image that society has given to you. You remain unknown to yourself.
This is the basic anxiety. You are there, but you are unknown to yourself. This lack of knowledge about oneself is the ignorance, and this ignorance cannot be destroyed by any knowledge which others can give to you. They can say to you that you are not this name, you are not this form, you are "soul eternal," but that too is given by others, that too is not immediate. Unless you come to yourslef directly, you will remain in ignorance - and ignorance creates anxiety. You are not only afraid of others, you are afraid of yourself - because you do not know who you are and what is hidden inside you. What is possible, what will erupt out of you the next moment, you don't know. You go on trembling and life becomes a deep anxiety. There are many problems which create anxiety , but those problems are secondary. If you penetrate deeply, then every problem will ultimately reveal the basic anxiety, the basic anguish, is that you are ignorant of yourself. - of the source from where you come, of the end to where you are moving, of the beaing who you are right now.
Hence every religion says to move into solitude, into aloness, so that you can for a time leave society and all that society has given to you, and face yourself directly.

I thought it was interesting anyway, and I had a durn gud thyme typing it. (Notice how I used thyme instead of time? You see they sound the same but they are really two different words. Time is what I meant but I said thyme, which is some wacky herb. They sound the same and you knew what I meant while you must of thought it was humorous at the same time that I did not say what I meant and the sentence really made no sense at all the way it is. So you had to atleast laugh at that one. No? I give up.....

Oh by the way, that passage was from Osho's book (you know Osho right?) The Book of Secrets. Secrets are cool....

Tim, how am I gonna bear (grizzly bear (Mwa ha ha (you are laughing yes?))) playing Arcanum without your crazy bad medicine music? Anyway...

"You are drunk, and when you are drunk you forget that I am charge."
"So which way do we go?"

Not a chance....

and now for something completely different...

One time, this dude,
he was dressed all in white,
he was in this forest,
and then he saw this really hot girl,
and she was dressed in all black,
then he says, how's it going?
and she says, ok.
and he says, have a nice day,
and she says, You too...

and then he leaves, but wonders, was there more to that "you too" than met the eye?

hmm... weird... it says my last post went through but when I go to said website, it does not show it.

Anyway, one of my coworkers tried Acid last weekend. he said it freaked him out a little. my other coworker was like, the best thing to do when you start freaking out when on acid is to just stop and realize you don't need to trip:)

I've often wondered about casual drug use. What's it feel like? it must be nice to tune in and drop out.... I mean i like drinking and that's a legal drug.

I just got done listening to Jewel. I am so jealous of Cahlen, but I'm glad he let's me use his turntable:)

Cahlen hasn't posted in a while... why is that?

Thursday, September 06, 2001

Argh, Arcanum has me:)

Well, after a long days work, I get to come home to find, duh duh duh(*suspenseful*), more work:) That's right, the job I'm supposed to be done with next week has been assigning me new stuff all the time. I sent them an email explaining that I can't finish this much stuff in this little amount of time, and we need to meet. And now they'll email me tomorrow and be like, "Holy Shitbricks, you're one slow mofo!" Even though it's them actually assigning me more work:)

Anyway, I'm going to my dad's this weekend so I won't be blogging:( I hope you all can keep this thing going:)

Oh, I remembered what I was going to talk about... I figure I've gotten to a point right now where I'm completely numb. I've gotten so little sleep this week that I can't really feel anything anymore, and I'm basically walking around in a caffeine daze. (I start my morning with 2 pepsi's to wake up) I highly recommend this for anyone looking for some good times. It makes me really easy going:) I find it hard to become excitable. two thumbs up!

Sorsha: What happened to "You are my sun, my moon, my starlit sky"?
Mad Martigan: It went away.
Sorsha: "I dwell in darkness without you," and it *went away*?

I stole the baby from the stupid Daikini:)

I feel like I have no life these days. I wake up, go to work, get home 15 hours later and go to bed. Fun times, no? It's looking like my weekend will be swallowed up by the endless abyss of work as well. Yay! At least I'll get a fat check for my troubles.

Brain not working....

wiiilllooowwww you iiiiddiiiooooot.

Just for fun, some favorite movies (in no particular order):
The original Star Wars trilogy (not that hacked up piece of trash special edition, although I like the poster art)
Almost Famous
Jerry Maguire
Forrest Gump
Field of Dreams
Mononoke Hime
Tonari no Totoro
Kiki's Delivery Service
Moulin Rouge
Chasing Amy
Good Will Hunting
Saving Private Ryan
The Shawshank Redemption
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Seven Samurai
The Usual Suspects
The Crow
ok, enough for now, or I'll end up putting most of my DVD collection in here. Oy, that'd take forever and I'm too lazy to type any more.

OOOHH I'm really scared! NO! Don't!

There's a PECK out here with an acorn pointing at me!!!!

Yeah, I never got into those "someone has a crush on you" things. I've gotten them a couple times, but there was so much crap you have to go through... it just wasn't worth it. Kinda reminds me of grade school.... DO YOU LIKE ME? CHECK ONE: Yes_ No_ Maybe_ Get a life_

In any case, if that person is took chicken to tell me to my face or at least through a personal email, well then... too bad!!!

It's probably just a joke anyways. ;)

So Timmay, I hope you have time to recover. I know playing video games can really be exhausting.

Your mom is bad medicine.

Your love is like bad medicine.

Bad Medicine is what I need.

Fuckin A, I want Willow.

Was up until 2 again last night. I think I may need to throw the game away so my body has some time to recover. :) I wish I had more time to write this morning. I got in at like 8:30, but then I spent some time talking to my coworkers, and don't have time to write much. Hopefully, I'll be able to write more later today.

Oh well, if I don't get back to this, I hope you are all having a great day,

Wednesday, September 05, 2001

Wow, Dejah went a little crazy there. So in honor of that occasion, I will say that yes, some of us Willow fans know the dvd is coming soon. Thankfully, as I wanted this in Widescreen for so long, I remember almost buying the $70 laserdisk 5 years ago.

Anyways... on to something else.
Don't you just love getting those email things from some weird website that say that someone has a crush on you? And then you find some hints but still can't figure it out? Even though you can go through your list of known people who may match the description of the hints, you are never quite sure. It just seems strange to have to go through all this mystery type stuff to try to figure something like this out. Especially if it's legit. It'd just be nice if the person would just let you know instead of expecting you to figure things out by obscure clues that don't make much sense.

Now I need to go to bed, as I have another 12+ hour day at work ahead of me, yay!

Ok, Juno internet service sucks sometimes, so I'm editing my duplicate post to say something else.


So, I got my Records last night. Can I just tell you that I LOVE Jewel. She just rocks my world. She reminds me of when I was younger and more carefree.

So my second job had me come in last night, and I think I finished their website, so I might be out of that job here pretty soon:P.

So I worked last night until 10, then we listened to Greenday and Jewel on vinyl, then we watched 2 episodes of Bebop, Then I played Arcanum until 2am:)

needless to say I'm a little sleepy, but I'm VERY happy, and want to listen to my Jewel.

Tuesday, September 04, 2001

Okay, I just read the "Realization" article, Cahlen.... it was LONG! But it was very intruiging. I'm not sure exactly what to say about it right now. I think I'll just go away and let myself think about it.

Oh, and I liked all your quotes.

You should have seen the way he smiled
to that lovely girl in the mirrored sea,
a sailor's smile, brave and bright,
like the sun- sea swallowed at eve....
for so he went into the murky folds,
after he heard the Siren sing

Should I write something important?

Wow, I've been gone so long, I've missed out on all the cool posts. They're all ancient history... like me... uhhh... just kidding. It sucks being on an island all by yourself. My roommate went home today.... :(

ANYHOW! Does any of you wonderful people like the movie "Willow?" Because it's coming out on DVD in November.

Hey Timmay, I do have the infamous "Last Unicorn" if you want to read it. It's the bestest book ever. That's just my opinion of course. Can I just say that reading is the bomb? Right now I'm reading "The Tower of Beowulf" and after that I'm going to read "The Neverending Story." What a lineup! And my roommate was reading "The princess Bride" to me. All I have to say is that if you loved the movie... you'll want to marry the book... well, okay, maybe not MARRY it, but you'll like it alot.


"And there was much rejoicing.... yay."
-Monty Python

Also: I got Arcanum this weekend, and got to play it with Cahlen. All I can say, is I'm having a great time:) I love this game:)

Things that scare me/piss me off:

guys with "short guy syndrome"
gremlins, (not the creatures, the cars)
Hot girls that are bitches,
I especially hate the bitches, (you know, the one's that know they're hot and so won't talk to you:P, course I especially hate the short guy syndrome guys too.)

Mood swings rule supreme:)

Monday, September 03, 2001

So, I had some great times with my computer this weekend. Not really, I spent all sunday reformatting and shit, blah:P

Went and saw Jay and Silent Bob strike back again today. I still get t see it again, cause I got the soundtrack and they're all like, 5 dollars off the movie, but then I forgot to bring it today.

I got Arcanum this weekend. I've been playing that some today. I'm waiting for my second job to get back to me, so I can get the final part of their website done for em. Well, I'm going back to my fantasy world.

Check you latah

Sunday, September 02, 2001

Here we go

Holden McNeil is such an asshole.

Are you a pothead, Fokker?

What's the deal with hospitals advertising weird diseases on billboards? I was driving today and caught a billboard about Brain Attack from some stupid hospital in the Seattle area. What's up with that? What the hell is brain attack and why should I be worried? Should I visit said hospital on the billboard and get checked out to make sure I'm not suffering from brain attack ? Why do hospitals feel the need to cause hysteria about weird diseases people might not have ever heard of? Are they so desperate for money or new patients that they have to advertise something obscure on some billboard? Or am I just being weird?

Forgot the link:

Here's something I found looking around at work. I thought it was interesting. It's long, but it'd be cool to hear what you think.

Don't get me wrong... I don't think you have to get high to enjoy meditation, in fact I respect people who do meditate as I don't seem to have the patience for it. I was just mentioning that pot might inhance the meditation experience.


Have y'all ever noticed how many pot heads are into meditation? This one guy I worked with enjoyed Pot almost everyweekend and he was all into meditation. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with meditation, I just enjoy living on my plain of existence, I haven't felt the need to check it out yet. Maybe after I try pot I'll try meditation and then it'll seem like the coolest thing ever. Until then I guess I'll just keep myself busy with reading and writing blogs and working:)

So, my mom and stepdad(steve) came up yesterday...
It was nice, they took me out to lunch and dinner and brought up a bunch of Steve's old records. We also went down to Pike St Market.

It was at this point that I realized how much I do not enjoy being in publicly overcrowded places. I mean I realized it before, but I still go to places. I'm just not that comfortable being that close to so many people. I'm more about intimate times with friends or at least areas when I can talk with people with no pressure from people behind you wanting to get past, or wanting to get past people in your way.

Also, I wanted to give props to Marc for his deep thoughts. I think I can really relate to what he was saying.


Can I just tell you that I love women....
I mean just walking around I see all these women and I'm like "Holy shit",
And I know they illicit this response from men everywhere,

I don't understand how someone could be gay,
I mean I have trouble thinking when I see a beautiful woman,
I mean they can brighten your day, make you feel like king of the world,

sorry, I was just watching TV and realized I needed to get that out:)

Speaking of which...
I was reading over at the Mother Theresa website and I found this: Do good anyway
Which I liked, so I posted it here...

How is it that some things can just stir such strong emotions in me?

I've been reading over at blue like that about Mr. Rogers' last episode. When I start reading about her memoirs and realizing what he's done and how he's affected people, I get all teary eyed. It's weird cause you see what he's done, and it makes me want to strive to help people. Even in some weird detached way.

It's people like him and like mother theresa that make you see that you can accomplish something in this life. What they've done/did in their short lives inspires me. I just thought I'd share as I feel like a complete goomba for sitting at my computer almost crying.

Saturday, September 01, 2001

Speaking of which...

Do y'all ever accidentally continue to hold down the shift key for too long and then end up with things that start with two capitals? Like when I spelled Cahlen, CAhlen. I wasn't trying to put emphasis on the A it just happened that way. And then I wanted to write this post, so I didn't go back and change it.

Timmay, you're the grammatical gangsta!
Now go spell check your posts.

In response to Cahlen's post "You're mom is a vampire... :)", I think you want to use, your, instead of you're, cause it makes more sense:)

Rant time... woo hoo!
What's up with traffic and traffic construction in this state? Is it really that hard to give incentives to road construction companies to build/repair roads faster? Is it so hard to build a good public transportation system? Does anyone know what they are doing in the Wa. State Dept of Transportation? Why should it take 2-3 months to repave a 2 mile stretch of 2 lane highway/bridge? Does it really take 10 years to widen a 15 mile stretch of highway? Can people around here drive any worse? Do I have to fear for my life everytime I drive around Bellevue? You'd think people with expensive cars would drive better. Anyways... as Forrest Gump would say, that's all I have to say about that.

In response to Tim's question, I'd say to be honest, but if the person didn't feel like sharing something they shouldn't feel obligated to do so (or for that matter, if the friends didn't want to know/hear some of it, they shouldn't have to). I'd also not just run around expounding on everything about myself to everyone (there is such a thing as too much information). Anyways... that's just my short answer, maybe something longer will come along later when I am more coherant.

You're mom is a vampire... :)

I promised deep and here is my shot at it: I refuse to believe there is no God and would deem it extremely foolish to have the audacity to say there is none. I went on a 4000 ft hike today all uphill both ways and to say there is no order or that something didn't create all this is insanity. To balance that statement out though I believe church can be and most of the time is a joke and people go for the wrong reasons. I did for most of my life. Jesus did not go to church, he hung out with prostitutes....this is where I need to hang out, but there are no prostitutes in Issaquah from what I've seen. Not even homeless people. We take ourselves and our petty little religions and thoughts too seriously. Live life, have fun, do your best: live a full life and experience it all, that is the point of this life I believe. There is something bigger than us out there, but I think none of us have a grasp of what that is...of course these are thoughts that I don't get out much cuz of my schedule so I guess this is a good outlet. The world is a vampire....

So here's the question for the new week:

Would you rather have someone that you knew, and were friends with and trusted, to lie to you or be honost with you about their belief system, lifestyle, dreams, ambitions?

Let us know:)

Debt sucks, I mean it really sucks. I owe too much money, student loans, car payments and credit cards ARGH! I need to stop charging things... I think I'll take a break from using the plastic cash for 6 months or so. Oh wait, I need to order some stuff online, I guess I'll start tomorrow. Woo hoo, time to shop!

Whassup peeps... just wanted to pop in and post that I made it into this crazy thing. You gotta love the rantings and ravings of a soon to be 24 year old, and all his friends. Just remember, nobody likes you when you're 23.

And do the dishes while yer at it

Arrr, swab the deck you scurvy dogs...

Greetings ladies and germs,
I hope you are all enjoying your 3 day weekend...
Time to blow some smoke,
We watched Blood again tonight. I love that DVD:)

And now for something completely different...

Reflecting, I see...
I know what I have lost, love,
the tulmutuous sea rages,
The captain is made of steel,
he barks orders, everyone is listening, doing as they're told,
sitting there, observing, our eyes meet, but only for a second,
I see his pain, his doubt, his disbelief,
I know him,
he's me