my sunshine
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,
you make me happy, when skies are grey,
you'll never know dear, how much I love you,
oh please don't take my sunshine away
This is a site for the ramblings of Tim.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,
Hey I cleaned my room last night. If you'd like to see it, ping me and I can arrange for a viewing :)
I am a Scorpio Man
I got a phone call from the east coast today. I think it may be for a job I applied for over there. I have a date with a Taurus tomorrow night. From what I've read, she'll be very rooted. This is about as polar opposite from my ex as you can get.
I just wanted to say thanks to all the beautiful people in my life.
I know I tend to overthink almost everything in my life.
Someone showed me this last year on Craigslist. It's one of the nerdiest, funniest things ever. You gotta love cyber-sex :P
I try to understand, to contemplate, to see through the darkness, to see the light, to see the fright, I want to see what is to come, to know who to be, to know where to go, to live life like there's no tomorrow, to see what cannot be seen, to touch that which is withheld, to see potential in everyone, to know the people of my life.
So I've been following the rants of raves section today. So far the main subjects have been, grocery cards, God and natives vs. transplants.
I've often wondered why more people don't blog. and have had this answered in many a different way. I think my job/personality are in a unique place where I have time to blog and it fulfills part of my need to socialize. Blogging gives me a way to get my random thoughts of Tim out of my head and onto the internet. I use my blog as a way to socialize with my friends, especially when the job takes up more than it's fair share of my time. I think if I went out more and wasn't sitting in front of a computer for 8+ hours a day, then I probably would not blog as much.
don't see "Head of state"
It's too bad we only have but one life to live. It seems that it would be nice to experience life at all the different "beautiful" levels.
I went out to an puget sound waterfront house on saturday night. We drank and ate and played scattergories. Sunday was spent lounging at Seattle Center watching the kids run around in the fountain. It was a really nice and relaxing time. I wrote some in my journal but basically chilled with new and old friends all weekend. It was suprisingly relaxing and easy going. I was supposed to see "Super size me" yesterday, but I wanted to hang at the seattle center instead. I'll see it someday, in the mean time, I'll keep eating at McDonalds :)
I'm at work this week. I don't know what I feel anymore. I can't tell who I am, or who I want to be. I know that I am ok with that. I know that I will be fine and don't need to know anything.
I think that I would not like to be a woman. I mean, it seems to me, that women, at least the ones I know, always have ex-boyfriends that won't fall out of love with them. I've always thought that women would be the ones that would fall in love more often, but it seems that my circle of friends is the exactly opposite. I've found that it's mostly girls that would rather not be under the commitments of a relationship.=, where most men I know would rather be in a committed relationship than a string of one night stands.
I HAVE been trying to not have these feelings for my ex. I know that I need to move on. It's not like I can choose to fall out of love, just as much as she can choose to fall in love.
I just found out that I'm a snake. Well that I was born in the year of the snake. So that's fun:) Check it out:
So I'm really enjoying reading documentation today. It's good to stay caught up on what all is going on in the product I'm testing. Things are slow... things are good... the beer fridge is moved back by me:)
So I just had this thought. Maybe the Puritans were all scorpios that were all just jealous of being scorned, so they decided sex was bad. I think I lucked out by being more liberal even though I AM a scorpio.
maybe I was wrong
a bit of history
scorpio love patterns
The Honeymoon period
On Oregon, homes, and Desire
Of Mice and men
Too hot to handle
Oregon blogging
Thank God for moms